PipeFlare.io Review

Ever since I learn about staking or Proof of Stake in cryptocurrency, I started looking for other altcoins that support the feature or and where we can invest. Even if the coins don’t support staking, with so many exchangers, it’s relatively easy to trade into the coins that do.

We can immediately start generating passive income even with just 1 faucet claim worth of that coin.  In long term, with many claims later, that small amount can become a very big amount.

If you are looking for a way to earn more cryptocurrency that support staking, you might want to try PipeFlare.io. They are offering two different cryptocurrencies and one of them support staking on other platform.

So, who is PipeFlare.io? Is PipeFlare.io scam or legit? Which cryptocurrencies we can earn from them?

Those are probably just a few questions that came to mind after hearing about the name of the program. Well, in this article I’m going to share with you my PipeFlare.io review based on my experience and what I can find from the internet.

Hope this helps. Is PipeFlare.io going to become the best cryptocurrency faucet program?

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Website: pipeflare.io
Type: Cryptocurrency Faucet (24 hours, Multi Coins)
Feature: Bonus Round, Reward Multiplier, Multilevel Referral, Giveaway
Referral Commission: 5% (Tier 1) down to 1% (Tier 4)
Payment Method: ZEC and MATIC Wallet and DOGE Wallet
Started Since: 2020
Last Payment: August 2023

News and Update

September 2023. I got payment in August but that was the pending one from June. After that they are still holding the coin in my account. They also made some changes related to the interval time which is no longer 24 hours per claim.

August 2023. No payment throughout July. Usually, I can get like once a week payment. Either they increased the minimum for ZEN, or they stopped paying.

Somehow, without doing anything, I reached Level 2 for the Player Progression so now I have access again to MATIC faucet. Well, it doesn’t matter if they are no longer paying.

If no payment still in the next few weeks, then I probably will change the status for this to PROBLEMATIC or eventually to NOT PAYING / SCAM. We’ll see.

Update. I changed the status to PROBLEMATIC. I checked the blockchain and apparently they sent a ZEC payment in June but it didn’t get confirmation at all. So, since that one, they haven’t sent any payment. Maybe the problem is with the ZEC, not necessarily Pipeflare.io themselves but I think they can easily change cryptocurrency if they want.

June 2023. They recently implemented the idea of Player Progression Reward. By signing up, every user will start with Level 1 which give access to just the ZEC faucet. However, now, if we want to access more faucet we need to level up. On Level 2, we gain access to MATIC faucet and Level 3 for the FLR.

In order to level up to Level 2, we need to play games for a total of 10 hours, at least 3 different games with 30 minutes each. We also need to complete their Game Challenge. More about this feature in their news page.

Well, I’m not interested in playing their games, so I guess this is just ZEC faucet for me now. They say Level 1 also has access to 2FLR faucet which is still not available for now.

November 2022. Finally got the MATIC payment.

May 2022. There was a lot of update in the past month. Apparently, I no longer need to claim the faucet manually. I don’t know if that is good for them or not. Update: Somehow I got a free temporary upgrade. Now I need to claim manually again.

They have new interface but I’m still not sure about what other things they recently added.

March 2022. Republished the article from the original date of 4 September 2020.

January 2022. They added a fourth faucet, called a Mystery Faucet. Still not sure how it works.

December 2021. Back then, we can accumulate our ZEC earnings from PipeFlare.io faucet in our account and then just withdraw it once in a while. It doesn’t seem to work like that anymore.

If we don’t setup the wallet address, our previous earnings will be lost. I noticed that when they added MATIC but that faucet isn’t accessible before we enter the wallet.

I think the same applies to the FLR faucet as well.

November 2021. They recently converted the DOGE faucet into MATIC faucet, including our earnings from it and I already got paid. In order to use the faucet, we need to enter the wallet address.

We can use a MATIC wallet from Binance.

October 2021. I finally tried withdraw my Dogecoin earnings from this faucet after I have reached like 2 DOGE. However, they didn’t process it immediately unlike the ZCash one.

The history page keeps saying that I should reach like 1 DOGE minimum which I already did. If anybody knows how it works, please let me know in the comment section below. Until then or when I get my payment, my status for this is now, PROBLEMATIC.

June 2021. I noticed that there are a lot of more features on PipeFlare.io which I haven’t give too much attention on. Recently I tried their staking option for their FLR.

We can stake with no lock up period but with lower interest rate. Alternatively, we can choose to lock up the token up to 12 months and get up to 5% annual rate for free account.

December 2020. They changed the interface a bit and are now using the sliding captcha. DASH has been removed from the platform so we can only claim ZEC, DOGE and FLR.

November 2020. Another change for PipeFlare.io. They say that they will discontinue offering PIVX and replaced by Dogecoin or DOGE.

October 2020. It seems that there has been some changed to the interface for the faucet page. They are now also offering their own internal coins Flare (FLR).

I think we can spend them on games they also added to the platform. Another thing that I noticed is that the ZEC faucet is no longer 20 hours but 24 hours. I need to check this though.

September 2020. They added DASH faucet to the platform. We can claim once a day but the page says they only offer this until it reach $1,000 in a month.

I don’t know why but I claim from this daily regularly. However, I found that I have been missing the Bonus round and this happens a couple times. It is like I already reached the fifth day and they reset it before I can claim the Bonus.

About PipeFlare.io

At this moment, PipeFlare.io is still relatively very new. It’s like I gave it a try and got paid on the first day. I should have given them some more time and see if they make some changes or improvement to their platforms.

But then, the instant payment made me decide to just write the review right away. Unfortunately, there is not much we can find about people behind PipeFlare.io.

With just a glance, people who also use GetZEN.cash faucet can easily notice the similarities with the design, script and interface of PipeFlare.io. I don’t know if they come from the same owner or not.

Still, there are several ways we can contact them. We can try the CONTACT US link of the main page which will direct us to Facebook Messenger app. We can also follow their Twitter account, @PipeFlare but they haven’t posted that many tweet.

The website also have some blog section and INSTRUCTION page that serves as FAQ for the website. I suspect some of the information is just template from the script, which is not relevant for this website.

There are several options to sign up via social media accounts but I recommend just use the email address and password.

We can use this link to create PipeFlare.io account.

Currently, the website supports translation into 9 different languages and we can choose from the top right corner of the page.

ZEC and PIVX Faucet

The main feature of PipeFlare.io is the cryptocurrency faucet, specifically offering Zcash (ZEC) and PIVX (PIVX coin. From a cryptocurrency faucet, anybody can earn money, usually in cryptocurrency for doing almost nothing.

The least we should do is just a click of a button. Most similar programs will require more. We will need to click and view some ads, go through a couple of links and pages, and solve some captcha systems.

The amount of money we can get from any faucet is actually very low, considering how little and easy the effort is. However, most programs allow us to repeat the process, claim the money over and over again after waiting for a time period.

In the case of PipeFlare.io, as mentioned before, we can earn both ZEC and PIVX. For ZEC, we can claim once every 20 hours and for PIVX we can claim once every 24 hours.

How does it work?

After we sign in to our account, the homepage is the faucet page. There is a tab where we can switch between the ZEC faucet and PIVX faucet.

We can claim both, one after another at the same time. It is not optional that we can only claim one and ignore the other.

To claim the free coins, all we need to do is just to solve the captcha from Google then click on the CLAIM purple button. If we want to claim both coins, we have to solve the captcha twice, consider them as two separate faucets.

After clicking on the CLAIM button, a small window will appear. It will ask whether we want to continue with or without extra reward. For the time being, let’s just continue with the first option and click the left one.

Another window will appear displaying the reward that we get from the claim. The second picture below is the result for ZEC and the third one for PIVX.

Both of them are similar. The differences are the timer and the Multiplier bonus, which will be discussed in the next subsection.

After that we can try claiming the other faucet or wait for 20 hours (ZEC, 24 hours for PIVX) before we can repeat the process and claim more coins. If we try to claim again before that timer is up, a notification window will appear.

It will let us know the exact time when we can claim again. The fourth picture below displays the notification about the timer.

Initially, our earnings will be stored in our PipeFlare.io account. We can check our balance by clicking on MY REWARDS menu at the top middle of the page. The fourth picture below is what we will see from that page.

As we can see from my example below, the ZEC balance has some funds while the PIVX is empty. The moment we enter our wallet for each coin, it will immediately send the payment to the wallet, emptying the account.

We just need to paste the wallet address and click on the SAVE CHANGES button. There is also an option to alert us about when we can claim again. Each faucet has its own alert option and we need set it differently.

Based on my experience, the payment is almost instantly processed right after we set up the wallet. The fifth picture below is the transaction history we can find by clicking on MY ACCOUNT menu and then from the drop down click on MY HISTORY.

The page will have link to the transaction ID. The last picture is the deposit history of the wallet I use from StakeCube.net.

For those who don’t have any PIVX wallet, I recommend using the one from StakeCube.net. The reason is that StakeCube.net offers Staking, similar to interest feature or investment.

What we need to do is just to have some funds in our StakeCube.net account and it can generate profit the next day. So, even though we get very small amount per claim but each day, it will grow if we send the money there.

We can use this link to create account with StakeCube.net. Read more about it from my StakeCube.net Review.

Alternatively we can also use the wallet from  BTCPop.co account. They also offer Staking and deposit for PIVX but deposit only for ZEC.

We can use this link to create account with BTCPop.co. Check out some alternative in the COMMENT AND SUGGESTION subsection.

Daily Multiplier

As we can see, there are several factors that will determine the reward for both faucets aside from the base amount. The first one is the Daily Multiplier and this one only applies for ZEC but not PIVX. PIVX always get a multiplier of 1.

For ZEC, the daily multiplier can change if we claim consecutively. Here is the detail.

1st day: 1x
2nd day: 1.05x
3rd day: 1.10x
4th day: 1.15x
5th day: 1.20x + Bonus Round
6th day: 1.25x

PipeFlare.io also call this feature as Star Counter, which we can see the 5 stars at the top of the website. For the first day, there will be no color then the next the star will display a color one by one each day from the left. That indicates the multiplier we will get.

The BONUS ROUND will be discussed later in separate section.

As long as we can claim consecutively, the counter will increase. If we miss any day, it will reset to the first day again with 1x multiplier. That is for ZEC only which we will have 4 hours window to claim again.

PIVX will stay the same, so we can skip any day.

Social Media Bonus

The second factor is the SOCIAL MEDIA BONUS which works for both faucets. Any member will start with 0.5x multiplier.

The way it works is, we only need to link our social media accounts to our PipeFlare.io account. The details and how to link can be found on the MY REWARDS PAGE, at the bottom.

The next picture displays this feature. As we can see we can link Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn account. Each linking will move the multiplier by one step.

Here is the detail

No Account Linked: 0.2x
1 Social Media Account Linked:  1.0x
2 Social Media Accounts Linked: 1.2x
3 Social Media Accounts Linked: 1.9x

We need to use the three buttons at the bottom left corner of the page to link each those three accounts. Any combination will work.

Brave Bonus

The last multiplier factor is from the BRAVE bonus. If I understand correctly, Brave is an web browser just like Chrome or FireFox but it offers mining feature.

By using Brave browser just to surf the internet we can generate income. PipeFlare.io offers some reward if we become their referral for Brave program.

By becoming their referral, it will increase the faucet reward we get for each claim. The reward is double the amount and this multiplier works for both ZEC and PIVX.

To do that, we need to sign up with Brave program using the referral link from PipeFlare.io. If we already have an account with Brave previously we may not be able to get this extra bonus.

To join Brave using PipeFlare.io referral link, we can click the banner at the top of the main page or faucet page with the lion logo on it. The next picture displays the banner for Brave on PipeFlare.io.

To be honest, I’m not entirely sure with what the PipeFlare.io is offering since I haven’t tried this yet. Aside from joining as their referral, it seems that we also need to use the Brave browser while claiming the faucet.

The question is, can we still get the reward by using Brave but not as their referrals? My guess is, we don’t. Unfortunately there is no further explanation as how this offer works.

Earning Rate and Comparisons

Based on the multiplier, both faucets offer different amount of reward each claim. For PIVX, I got two different amount from claiming for two days, even though the multiplier factors remain the same.

The first day I got 0.00265008 PIVX and the second day I got 0.00052083 PIVX. Currently 1 PIVX is about 4,500 satoshi of Bitcoin. So, the first day I got like 12 satoshi and the second day I got only 2 satoshi.

For ZEC, I got 0.00000319 ZEC from the first day and 0.00000433 ZEC for the second. The multiplier only changed for the Daily Bonus from 1.0x to 1.05x. Social Media multiplier stays at 0.2x and use no Brave so, 1x.

That means the base reward should be about 0.00001595 ZEC. Currently 1 ZEC is about 0.00656 BTC so the base reward is about 10 satoshi.

The reward I got from the first day is probably the lowest possible reward that any new member. In Bitcoin that is about 2 satoshi as well or we can say the earning rate is 2 satoshi per day, 4 satoshi from both.

As for the maximum reward, we can earn up to 228 satoshi of Bitcoin per day, assuming what I got from the first day is the maximum. That is for PIVX and I guess it is very luck dependent.

For the ZEC, we can get up to 0.00007575 ZEC or in Bitcoin about 47.5 satoshi. That is using maximum bonus from all of the three multipliers.

Also, that reward is also only on the 6th consecutive days of claiming. Then, it will restart the counter and we will get lower amount again the next day or if we miss any day.

So, is that a good earning rate? One way to find out is by making a simple comparison to other similar programs. In this case, another cryptocurrency faucet programs.

Here are some that I have tried so far.

Freebitco.in, usually as my standard for good earning faucet, can give us like 20 to 25 satoshi at this time per claim every hour as the base reward which is what we will get most of the time. With just 1 claim from this, and we already get 5 times higher than the lowest possible reward from PipeFlare.io.

Cointiply.com, now the faucet can only give us 2 claims per day. For me right now about 20 coins a day and with 100 coins equals to $0.01 means $0.002 per day, or about 20 satoshi. That one day rate is about 5 times higher than the lowest possible reward from PipeFlare.io.

Free-Litecoin.com and their group, each as hourly faucet can give altcoins about 1,668 litoshi at this time or in Bitcoin around 8 satoshi as the base prize. That 1 claim is already twice as much as the lowest possible rewards from PipeFlare.io.

AllCoins.pw, a 5 minutes faucet as well, with 50 claim limit, right now can give like 3 satoshi per claim or 150 satoshi per day. With just 2 claims from this and we already get higher than the lowest possible reward from PipeFlare.io.

DailyFreeBits.com, also can give constant amount but only 3 satoshi every hour at this moment, which could go less thanks to dynamic price. With just 2 claims from this and we already get higher than the lowest possible reward from PipeFlare.io.

BestChange.com, has a faucet feature, give around 15 satoshi in average per hour. Assuming the number is right, which, depends on luck, with just 1 claim this can give almost 4 times higher than the lowest possible reward from PipeFlare.io.

Bitcoinsfor.me, as a 5 minute faucet, at this time, I can only get like 4 free claims per day each with 5 satoshi. Based on their explanation about the internal currency, we should get even less than that. The daily rate from here is about 5 times higher than the lowest possible reward from PipeFlare.io.

3BTC.org can give like 0.11 DOGE as the base reward per claim per hour or in BTC about less than 3 satoshi as the base reward. We just need 2 claims from this and we already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io.

DigiTask.ru, a no timer and no limit faucet can give like 0.1 DOGE (about 3 satoshi) per claim. We just need 2 claims from this and we already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io.

Monitocoin.com, a 6 hour faucet, can give 20 Bitcoin satoshi per claim or 3 Bitcoin satoshi per hour. With just 1 claim from this and we already get 5 times higher than the lowest possible reward from PipeFlare.io.

FireFaucet.win, an auto faucet, at this time, with maximum bonus, can give like between 6 to 8 Bitcoin satoshi per hour. An hour rate from this is up to twice as much as what we can get from PipeFlare.io for a day.

QweroFaucet.com, an hour faucet, offers like just 1 Bitcoin satoshi per hour. We can get higher but it is almost impossible to achieve. PipeFlare.io and most of other faucet programs can offer higher than this.

BitsFree.net, a 30 minute faucet, offers like 10 satoshi per claim as the base prize. That 1 claim is already 2.5 times higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

4Miner.me, another hourly faucet with multiple faucets, offers like 17 satoshi in average per hour from the Bitcoin faucet only. That is already 4 times higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

FreeDGB.com, an hour faucet, can give us like 0.01 DGB or about 2 satoshi per claim. With just 2 claims from this and we can get the same reward as the lowest one from PipeFlare.io.

Lolifuu.com, a no timer faucet, with 50 claims per day will give about 300 LPONS per claim or about 3 satoshi per claim. With just 2 claims from this and we can already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io.

ES Faucet, another lump sum claim faucet, which we can earn from 30 minutes, offering 13 different coins, can give like 2.2 satoshi after waiting for 30 minutes per faucet as the base prize only. With just 2 faucet claim from this, we can already get slightly higher than what we can get from PipeFlere.io for a day.

TopTap.website, an auto faucet, could offer like 1.8 satoshi per hour or 43.2 satoshi per day. That daily rate is about 10 times higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

FreeBitcoin.io, an hourly faucet, can offer like 3 satoshi per hour or up to 72 per day. With just 2 claims from this and we can already get higher than the lowest reward of PipeFlare.io for a day.

DogExpress.xyz and their group offers like 0.3 DOGE per claim per 10 minutes or about 8 satoshi. That 1 claim is already twice as much as the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

Fautsy.com, a 5 minute faucet can offer like 6 satoshi per claim or 72 satoshi per hour. With just 1 claim from this and we can already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

Yannik.biz, another lump sum faucet, offers like 4 satoshi after 10 minutes waiting, without the bonus. With just 1 claim from this and we can already get the same amount as the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

FreeCoin.today, another 1 hour faucet, offers like 6 satoshi per hour as the base reward with no links and no bonus. With just 1 claim from this and we can already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

Doge.ninja, an hourly faucet, can give us like 0.47 DOGE per hour or like 13 Bitcoin satoshi per hour as the base reward. With just 1 claim from this and that is over 3 times higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

AltHub.club, a 30 minute faucet, can give us like 5 ALTH per claim or about 0.28 DOGE or almost 8 satoshi per claims. That 1 claim is twice as much as the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

BitEarn.io, a 30 minute faucet, can give us like 5 satoshi per claim. With just 1 claim from this and we can already get slightly higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

GetZEN.cash, a 20 hour faucet can give like 2 satoshi per claim as the base reward. This is the closest one with the same script. We can get higher with PipeFlare.io but only because PipeFlare.io offers 2 faucets.

FaucetCrypto.com, a 40 minute faucet, offers like 6.6 satoshi per claim. With just 1 claim from this and we can already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

HerzCoin.net, a 60 minute faucet, can give like 0.2 DOGE per claim or per day about 0.6 DOGE that is about 16 satoshi of Bitcoin. That 1 claim is still slightly higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

Fly-DASH.com and their group, a 60 minute faucet, can offer like 6 satoshi per claim. We can actually get higher with BonusBitcoin.co for the same period.

DogeMate.com, an hour faucet and we can claim like 2.7 satoshi per claim as the minimum. With just 2 claims from this and we can already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

CoinMoster.pw, a 15 minute faucet can offer like 2.5 satoshi per hour. With just 8 claims from this and we can already get higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io.

CoinBid.org, and their group can offer like 5 satoshi per claim and we can claim once per 5 minutes per faucet. With just 1 claim from this and we can already get slightly higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

StakeCube.net, a 24 hour faucet offers multiple coins. If we claim all of them, we can get about 30 satoshi per day. That is like 7 or 8 times higher than the lowest reward from PipeFlare.io for a day.

Faucet.TRBO.cc, a 12 or 24 hour faucet can give us like 4 TRBO or 1 satoshi per day as the minimum. The lowest reward from PipeFlare.io is 4 times higher than this one.

BonusBitcoin.co, a 15 minute faucet can offer like 2 satoshi per claim or up to 192 satoshi per day. We just need 2 claims from this and we can get the same or higher reward than PipeFlare.io for a day.

This is just comparing strictly between the faucet earning rate. There are more things to consider like the claiming process or how easy to withdraw.

Some programs can offer other earning feature or bonus that could make them a better choice. On the other hand, some users might not be able to use those other earning feature and can only rely on faucet.

Comment and Suggestion

First of all, I don’t know what’s wrong but after several days, I only got paid the PIVX the first claim only immediately. The second and the third day got the PROCESSING status for a couple of days before they sent it as one payment.

Then, the fourth, fifth and sixth day got delayed again. I will just wait for it.

There is no problem so far with ZEC faucet. Maybe we should just consider this as ZEC faucet and PIVX is just a secondary bonus.

I don’t know if this is from the same owner or not but the script and interface is similar to GetZEN.cash. Regarding the payment GetZEN.cash also did change how they pay from instantly to once a week.

Maybe that is what is happening with the PIVX on PipeFlare.io. If we consider the same thing that happened to GetZEN.cash will also be applied to PipeFlare.io, that means they can add the multiplier factors later.

Unlike GetZEN.cash which is an introductory faucet for ZEN, I don’t think the same applies for PipeFllare.io to either ZEC or PIVX. Usually in an introductory faucet, it is reasonable not to have that many ads because the idea is to spread the coin instead of generating revenue.

So, maybe we should expect PipeFlare.io to have ads and become very annoying to claim from. Currently, the claiming process is very easy, we just need to solve a captcha and that is it.

Unfortunately they use the one from Google. which at some point of the day can become very hard to solve. Even GetZEN.cash tried some alternative with hCaptcha in the past before switching back again.

So far, on PipeFlare.io, I did find it hard to solve the captcha several times. Luckily, we only need to do once or twice a day.

The base or the lowest reward we can get is very low compared to other programs. The multiplier can help boost the reward but as I said before, they can always add more factors.

Is that means we are going to get higher rewards if we meet the new factor criteria? Not necessarily. They would adjust the overall reward again and eventually, the future maximum multiplier is probably more or less the same as the current one.

Of course, if we don’t take advantage of the new multiplier, we will get lower in the future. That means, in a long term perspective, this is not a good program.

If what they add as the new multiplier is just another social media accounts that may not be a problem. However, that is not the case if we have to rely on 3rd party referral programs like Brave.

I still recommend anybody to take advantage of the multiplier system, but not sure about the Brave.  Again, I’m still not sure about this part. But usually, we need to become their referral for Brave program in order to earn the higher multiplier.

The problem is, some other program can always offer something better if we become the referral of that programs but not PipeFlare.io. We can only do this once and having multiple accounts is usually not allowed.

For example, if we have created Brave account with GetZEN.cash, we cannot use it again with PipeFlare.io. So, either we choose one we consider as the best from those several programs, or just ignore it.

As how to boost the reward, I still recommend using wallet that offers Staking for both PIVX and ZEC. That way, the amount of money will grow right from the next day we have it on the wallet.

Currently I don’t know yet about Staking for ZEC. If anybody knows, please share it via the comment section below. I may even use your referral link.

Otherwise, we can only look for exchangers wallet where we can trade ZEC into other coins with Staking option. Aside from BTCPop.co, ExpressCrypto.io, the micro wallet also accepts ZEC.

Then we can trade them into either TRX or Tezos which has Staking feature. We can use this link to create account with ExpressCrypto.io.

With the same principle, we can also use the wallet from Binance.com. Not only they offer Staking, but also Saving or daily interest feature. But we still need to trade ZEC to other coins first.

We can use this link to create account with Binance.com.

Bonus Round

If we claim the ZEC faucet consecutively for 5 days, right after the 5th claim we will get a bonus round. We can earn more ZEC coin but each time, we also get random amount up to $5 worth of ZEC.

At the top of the main page or faucet page, there are 5 stars and 3 coins with ZEC logo on them. That is the star counter and each consecutive claim will turn on the color one by one.

When the coins has purple color, as shown by the next picture, that means it is time for the bonus game. If we click on the coins, a small window will appear as displayed by the second picture below.

The script was meant for a slot game where the combination of 3 pictures will determine the reward. I don’t think that is how it works here as they don’t state which combination will get what reward as how it works on GetZEN.cash.

All we need to do is to just click the PLAY purple button and we will get the random amount of ZEC. The third picture is the result and this time I got 0.0003 ZEC.

Right after that the coins color will disappear and we will need to wait and claim again consecutively for another 6 days. If we don’t use the chance to play or skip it, it will remain available.

However, it doesn’t accumulate the number of play even after the next 5th claim.

I don’t know exactly how it works but my reward was sent to my wallet immediately after the claim. It didn’t show up in my balance or MY HISTORY page.

I suggest, checking the wallet some time after the claim to make sure we do get paid. So far, I only tried it once and 0.0003 ZEC is a big amount compared to what we can get from the faucet, like almost 100 times.

Of course, that could be just me being lucky and we can get lower than that. But still, that is not the amount we should skip.

The smart thing from them is that they put it on the fifth day. Skipping the sixth day hoping to play the bonus round again earlier will not make any difference.

Also, this one doesn’t seem to be affected by the multiplier.

Monthly Giveaway

I haven’t tried this as well, but PipeFlare.io is giving away the total of $200 USD in ZEC every month to their members. It is more like a lottery with 5 lucky winners will get the free money, chosen randomly.

Here are the prizes.

1st Place: 100 USD
2nd to 5th Place: 25 USD

To access this feature, from the main page there is a link that says ENTER THIS MONTH’S $200 USD GIVEAWAY. It is below the faucet claiming part right next to the link for CONTACT.

The next picture displays the page we will see from the giveaway. Based on that page, to participate, we can either visit their Facebook page, follow, their Twitter account or become their referral for Brave programs.

Doing any of those will grant us like 1 lottery ticket each. If we complete any two of them, it will unlock one more way to earn the ticket.

Based on how we earn the entry or ticket, we can only participate in this feature once. It is not a bad thing to try and it is free, other than doing those simple tasks.

But like a lottery, just consider us being lucky if we ever win the money. Not really an earning option.

Referral / Affiliate Program

As I said before, the amount of money we can earn from PipeFlare.io or any faucet program is actually very low. They are just pennies and some people may think they are not worth the time.

However, by offering a referral or affiliate commission, any program has the chance to become a source for passive income. It can even become an unlimited one.

What we need to do to earn the commission is we invite other people to join the program and let them use the service. In this case, the program is PipeFlare.io and the service is the cryptocurrency faucet program. We will get paid for helping other people to earn money.

As the referrer, we will get paid some commission based on some percentage of the invited people’s earning. It is true that we will get even less amount but that is just from one faucet claim of one referrals.

The more referrals we have and the more they earn money from this program will increase the commission we will get. Moreover, we will earn the commission passively, no need for us to actively do the claiming ourselves.

Even while we are asleep, the referrals can still generate some income for us. We can get as many referrals as we want which in theory can lead to unlimited passive income.

How does it work?

Like on any online program offering a referral or affiliate commission, each member will get a unique link with their ID attached to it. It is called as referral link or ref link and this next one is mine for PipeFlare.io.


If anybody click on that link and join the program, they will become my referral. And if they use the service, claim from the faucet to earn free coins, I will get 5% based on their earnings.

PipeFlare.io also offers a multi level referral systems or as they call it as the TIERED REFERRAL PROGRAM. What it means is, the person that join the program using my link is my direct referral or in this one it is called as the Tier 1 Referral.

If the Tier 1 invite other people again using their link, those invited people will become my Tier 2. The Tier 2 will generate 3% commission. This works up to the 4th level where the Tier 3 will generate 2% and the Tier 4 will generate 1% commission.

What we need to do now is to share the link to anybody on any online platform that we regularly use. The platforms can be our social media accounts, forums, group messengers for family or friends, emails or even blog and website that we own.

Any place where we can post the link and the public can access it will work. Even Google Docs can do.

To find the link we can access the referral page of PipeFlare.io by clicking on MY REFERRALS menu at the top. The previous image is what we will see from that page.

From the left of three columns on that page, we can find the referral link with a copy button right next to it. Within the same column they also provide some share button to several platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Email, WhatsApp, or if we access the account from phone, through our contact list or apps.

Aside from that there is no other tool to help us promote the program. But there is a stats about the number of referrals we have for each tier and the commission we get from them.

At the bottom there will be a list for all of our referrals including their name, email and when they become our referral. I think they are going to hide a bit the email, not sure though.

Somehow, they keep the commission separated from our main balance. Also, we can only earn ZEC here not PIVX. We need to withdraw the funds to our balance before we can ask for payment to our wallet.

The font size is too small but there is a minimum before we can withdraw the commission. The minimum is  0.002 ZEC. The transfer will be processed automatically, twice a month once we have reached the minimum.

The page says they will transfer on 1st and 15th each month.

How to get (more) referrals?

Well, sharing the link is a must but how exactly? Sharing to the wrong people is like a salesman approaching stranger. People hate that.

If we try to share on our social media, people might get annoyed if they are not interested. Especially if we are spamming, sharing over and over again like multiple times within a day.

We could lose our followers, risking any network we have built. Maybe it’s better to have alternate account specifically just to share this kind of program.

We look for community or other users that we know are interested. Or only when they ask, then we can share with them the link.

A better way might be to share on forums. Not just any forum of course, but related to online money making program, bitcoin, cryptocurrencies or investment.

The problem with using any free platform like this is that we are probably not the only one who promote the same program. We have to offer something more than just the referral link like anybody else.

Another thing is that these free platforms have rules that they can suddenly change about promotion and not to mention, shutting down their service entirely. We have to start over our campaign if they delete them.

A better way would be to have our own website. We can share anything not just one program but others with the same, similar or related topics.

Having a website is like having a shop in real life. People can always come back to and find out more programs to use.

Then we can use those free platforms, forum or social media accounts  just for promotion. A good way to get backlink or generate traffic.

Since it’s an online shop, it will stay open 24/7, no need to wait for us to wake up and can be accessed from everywhere around the world. The best part of having our own place or website is that any search engine like Google will do the promotion work non stop.

And they will show the website as a result to exactly people who are interested in it. They use the search engine to look for it and get the website we build as the result. No need to worry about being annoying salesman.

Those people will access the website, see what we have to offer. Maybe a review like this, other or similar program we use, sharing experience, opinion, views to let people know that we understand this kind of program.

If they are interested, they will become our referrals for any program we promote. Once we have enough referrals for PipeFlare.io  or every programs we promote, we can have passive income even full time income.

That is exactly how people can build their business online. They own a website, fill the website with contents that can help promote a program, and let it work automatically.

If you are interested to know more about how to build a website and turn it into an online business, keep reading. I will share with you later about a training program that anybody can use.

In the meantime, let’s head back to PipeFlare.io for a little bit.

Comment and Suggestion

This is not the first program to offer multi level referral or affiliate commission. While the idea sounds interesting but realistically, it is not going to generate more money.

First, from the Tier 1 or the direct referrals, the commission we can get is 5%. That is a very low commission rate among similar programs. Other programs can offer up to 50%.

So, even if we have a lot of downlines, at different level, it is not going to generate commission as much as other programs can. However, it does come with another opportunity.

With this multi level idea, we don’t have to compete with our referrals to invite the same group of people. We can just let our referrals have them but we still get something from the tier level 2 or 3.

This is not the case with regular affiliate feature where it is possible that we get no active referrals but our referrals get an active one. When that happens, our referrals get something but we don’t.

With that in mind, maybe we can offer our own campaign to our referral and let them have more downlines as some kind of incentive. We may get less but more people will come to us because becoming our referrals will generate more money for them.

This becomes similar to a share back feature on FreeBitco.in. But that is just in theory.

5% itself is like 20 zetoshi per claim that we will get if the referral earn like 400 zetoshi. From the level 4 tier, we will only get 4 zetoshi then.

It is a good thing that it is based on earning. If the referrals maximize their earning from every multiplier factors, we will still earn that. I could be wrong about this since at this point I don’t have any yet.

Since there is a registration process and we need email address to sign up, PipeFlare.io is a good one for long term. At least our referral can keep coming back using the same email address.

This is not the case if we sign up with programs that requires wallet address. People can easily change it and when that happens, they may no longer become our referral.

It is also good that they offer a lot of tools to help us share the link on the website. That way, we don’t have to worry about missing any character when copying and pasting. That could mean losing a potential income source.

Despite the potential, the limit they set before we can earn the commission is too high for the commission rate. To reach 0.002 ZEC with about 0.000004 ZEC per claim, we will need like 500 claims.

That is from our own claim. Since we will only get like 5%, that means, we will need like 10,000 direct referral claims. That could take years if ever and the multi level thing doesn’t really help.

I’m not sure if we do get commission from the Bonus Round. That $5 is equal to about 0.075 ZEC currently and 5% would be enough to reach the minimum.

Of course it depends on luck to get that amount but it become reasonable amount to reach from just several referrals. Again, I’m not sure we will get the commission from this.

Please let me know about this via comment section below.

So, with all of that in mind, I’m not sure that PipeFlare.io is a recommended one that we should promote. They are still relatively new.

Some features are not working right. We can only hope that they will fix it soon.

In the meantime, we should focus on building our passive income source from other programs instead of this.


PipeFlare.io is a cryptocurrency faucet program where we can earn two coins, ZCash (ZEC) and PIVX with just one account. We can consider it as two different faucets with slightly different way to earn.

For ZEC, we can claim like once every 20 hours but for the PIVX, it is once every 24 hours. Essentially they are just one claim per day but for the PIVX, the claiming time will move each day.

The claiming process is rather easy where we just need to solve one captcha from Google for each of them without any pop up ads or links. Unfortunately, there is no alternative captcha at this moment so, there will be time when it becomes very hard to solve.

After each claim, the system will try to send the payment instantly, to our wallet, if we have set up a wallet address for each of them. For ZEC it will take within an hour but for PIVX it could take days, at least, for this moment before they actually process it.

Without any wallet, they will keep the money in our account balance. The amount of coins per claim is not that much, probably one of the lowest reward among similar programs.

But that is for the base reward and there are several multiplying factors which we can increase them to boost the reward per claim. The first one is the daily multiplier which we can increase it by claiming the faucet consecutively for each day up to the sixth.

Start with 1x multiplier on 1st day and 1.25x on sixth and it will reset to the first day again or if we miss any day. The second multiplier is the Social Media bonus.

We can link our Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn account to our PipeFlare.io account and each linking will increase the multiplier. Any member will start from 0.2x without linking any accounts and can get up to 1.9x for 3 social media accounts.

The last multiplier which to increase it require us to join the Brave browser program by becoming referral for PipeFlare.io.  By doing so, we can get double the reward each claim.

So, it is actually not a difficult thing to do to increase the reward. There is a chance that PipeFlare.io may add more multiplying factors in the future.

Aside from regular once a day faucets, we can also earn more by playing the bonus round. To enter this feature, we only need to claim 5 times consecutively and we will have the chance to earn $5 worth of ZEC.

So, this is a very huge amount compared to the reward we can get from the daily faucet. But it depends on luck.

The unique thing about PipeFlare.io is the referral commission which they are offering a multilevel referral system down to 4th level. The commission rate is just 5% for the tier 1 or direct referral and down to 1% from tier 4.

With this system, we don’t have to worry about competing with our own referrals to invite the same group of people. The overall rate is still very low.

The problem is that before we can get paid the commission which is in ZEC, there is a minimum amount of commission that we need to reach first. That could take years without some active referrals.

Potentially, this could be a good candidate for long term passive income source with several tools it provides to help us promote the program. Sadly, how they pay the commission makes it a not recommended one to focus on promoting.

Nevertheless, we can still earn money from this and I recommend using the earnings to invest on Staking from other platforms. That way, we can still generate passive income right the very next day with just small amount.

So, if you still consider this as an opportunity to earn more money or to build a passive income source, you can start earning by creating account with PipeFlare.io via this link. It’s FREE to use.

Earn More Coins from Similar Programs

There are a lot of other programs like this where we can earn more cryptocurrencies, not just Matic or ZCash. Some of them will pay via the same micro wallet but others can just send the payment directly to our wallet.

Even if we do not collect these coins, we can still exchange them later.

Here are some that I have tried so far. Links are to a review article for each program. I recommend checking the article to find out the latest update.

Also check out any article related to micro wallet service. There are a couple more programs there.

Last update: March 2022.

AdBTC.top (PTC, BTC)
AltHub.club (Faucet, 30 minutes, Multi Coins)
A-Ads.com(Ad Network, Bitcoin)
BestChange.com Faucet
(Exchanger, Multi Coins)
CoinPayU.com (PTC, Faucet, Multi Coins)
Cointiply.com (Faucet, PTC, Offerwalls, Multi Coins)
Crex24.com (Exchanger, Faucet, Multi Coins)
CRINF.net (Faucet, 5 minutes, Multi Coins)
CryptoWin.io (Faucet, 15 minutes, BTC)
DogeMate.com (Faucet, 1 hour, Multi Coins)

ES Faucet (Faucet, Multi Coins)
FaucetCrypto.com (Faucet, 40 minutes, BTC)
FaucetPay.io (Micro Wallet, Exchanger, Multi Coins)
FireFaucet.win (Faucet, 30 minutes, Multi Coins)
FreeBitcoin.io and the Group (Faucet, Multi Coins)
FreeBitco.in (Faucet, Investment, BTC)
Free-Litecoin.com & Group (Faucet, Investment, Multi Coins)
GetZEN.cash (Faucet, ZEN)
LarvelFaucet.com (Faucet, Multi Coins)
Losena.net (PTC, RUB)

(Faucet, Multi Coins)
PTCShare.com (PTC, offerwalls, Multi Coins)
SimpleBits.io (Faucet, PTC, Shortlinks, Multi coins)
StakeCube.net (Investment, Exchanger, Faucet, Multi Coins)
TimeforBitco.in (Faucet, BTC)
U24.co (Faucet, 45 minutes, BTC)
Yannik.biz (Faucet, 10 minutes, Multi Coins)

I don’t always update every article on this website. Please check this Complete List for the latest one.

Final Words

As mentioned before that what we can get from PipeFlare.io or any faucet program is actually very low. Usually, the key is to use the referral program, get a lot of referrals and let them do the work and we get the commission passively.

There is no need to rely on just referral program from PipeFlare.io. We can try and promote other referral programs as well. As many as we want.

In order to do that, it’s better to have our own website, promote the program until we can get enough referrals and they can generate income for us. This is not only limited to digital product but we can also promote physical product.

Share a link from a marketplace like Amazon, or directly from big brands like Apple, and if people buy something, we can earn some commission. It’s not limited to just tech product but any passion we have from food, travel, sports, movies.

That is how we can have an online business.

If you are interested to learn more about building a website and turn it into a business, even a passive income, there is a training program that you can try.

On this training, not only we can learn about how to, but we can actually set up the website, grow it until it can generate income. We can learn from a lot of experts who were once just like you and me, know almost nothing about online business.

This is an easy training program that even a guy without a college degree can use it. Within two years he started to have a full time income from his website and quit his regular job.

We can even ask the owner the help out directly. Try it. Join the program for FREE and try to reply their first message to you and see if they get back and help you out.

You can learn more about the training from my review here.

We grow the business and website by using affiliate programs just like PipeFlare.io. Here is my list of other affiliate programs that you can try.

I will keep updating the page and add more programs. So, stay tuned.

Well, that’s all I can share with you about the faucet program, PipeFlare.io. Maybe I missed something and you have more question about it, or if you want to add your experience, view, opinion, don’t hesitate to use the comment section below.

Maybe you also have other experience with other similar programs with this, hopefully a better one, you can suggest something as well. I would love to help if I could and learn more about online program.

Hope my reviews can help. Thanks for reading.



Mark M.

4 Replies to “PipeFlare.io Review”

  1. Mark, thank you for this article. It was very informative. One concern I had with trying to increase the multiplier by adding your social media accounts (FB, LinkedIn, Twitter), is this safe to do? Are you giving them permission to post on your behalf?

    1. Hi, Modesto. Thank you for stopping by.

      I guess that is a valid concern. To be honest, I don’t use any social media accounts and therefore I don’t add them to PipeFlare.io or other faucets with similar script like GetZEN.cash. Even if they are legit and will try to keep the information to themselves, I think the risk is still there. Like if somebody try to hack the website or such.

      Maybe it is a good idea to have separate social media accounts from the one we use regularly just for these kind of programs. I don’t really recommend adding them since the reward is not going to increase that much. I mean, not going to make us suddenly rich.

      PipeFlare.io always has a right to add more variables for multiplier in the future. That will usually adjust between their revenue and how much are they willing to give free coins to their users.

      We can always try other ways to increase the earning. For example, we can send the coins to wallet that support staking such as StakeCube.net for PIVX and they also offer investment for DASH. That way we don’t really need to use the multiplier.

      Hope this helps you answer your concern.

      Best regards.

      Mark M.

      1. So couple of things . Pipe flare has launched thier native token 1flr with great staking options. The Question a out brave browser well you dont need to be use the pipe flare link as i was allready using brave when i started using pipeflare and i recieved my 2x bonus i think its only for 30 or 60 day though. They also launched a app available on Google play that also gives users a faucet multiplier. . The bonus days does not reset if you miss a day . And zec is send automatically some times quicker than other times. You call it a facet platform but the site and token is a open source development platform aimed at play 2 earn games. 1FLR is the in house token and developers can purchase it and use it to reward player of thier game. 1FLR can also be used to buy nfts in the market place and staked to earn passive money . Just a couple of things you did not go into.

        1. H, Damian. Thanks for the info!

          I admit that I wrote the article way before they added and changed a lot of stuffs. Back then, they didn’t even have that FLR token and offered different cryptocurrencies. Even the games and NFT related features were launched after my article. My focus was those cryptocurrency faucet platforms. I do use the FLR staking as I don’t use the token that much. It seems the owner is not done improving and adding more features to their platform and I’m looking forward to what they will do next.

          Anyway, thank you. Best regards.
          Mark M.

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