
It’s time for another review about cryptocurrency faucet, specifically a Bitcoin faucet. This next one,, actually has been around since 2017. We see new faucets everyday but the old faucets are the ones that have figured out how to stay in business.

Bitcoin may not be the best choice if we are expecting the price to go up very high. Other new altcoins with better feature may give better return. It’s just that more big companies and even countries have begun accepting Bitcoin as  a store of value, much like gold.

Some people even think that Bitcoin will stay forever while other altcoins might not. At least, if we have Bitcoin, it is very easy to trade it into other coins in almost every exchanger.

Because of that, maybe it’s not a bad idea to always look for more ways to earn Bitcoin.

So, who is this Is legit or scam? How can we earn from them and how do we get paid?

Those are probably just a few questions that came to mind after hearing about the program. Well, in this article, I’m going to share with you my review based on my experience on using their platform and what I can find from the internet.

Hope this helps. Is going to be the Bitcoin faucet out there?

Click or tab on any sections from the table of contents to jump right to that part. Use the red arrow button on the bottom right corner of the screen to head back to the top.


Sister Sites: (10 minutes, LTC) (5 minutes, BCH)
Type: Cryptocurrency Faucet (5 minutes, BTC)
Features: Shortlinks, Lottery / Jackpot
Referral Commission: 20%
Payment Method:
Started Since: 2017
My Status: PAYING
Last Payment: January 2025

News and Update

June 2024. Republished the article again from 1 September 2023.

September 2023. Republished the article from the original date of 27 May 2022.


According to the data from, the owner (FP username: dibon) also has two other faucets. The first one is, a Litecoin faucet and the other is for Bitcoin Cash.

Both of them are instant faucet with a daily claim limit and integrated shortlink as part of the claiming process. We can only earn if they have some balance reserved from those two.

On itself there is a contact page. We can use that form if somehow we are interested in advertising on the website. The page says we have to pay the cost in Bitcoin.

Other than that, it seems the owner doesn’t have any official social media accounts for this website.

We can use this link to start earning with All we need is a Bitcoin wallet address linked to account.

For those who don’t have a Bitcoin wallet address, we can use the one from or These two offer investment by storing our Bitcoin in their wallet. Any Bitcoin wallet will do as long as we know how to use it and we can access them.

We can use this link to create account with Learn more about how to link the wallet address from Review.

Cryptocurrency Faucet

Cryptocurrency faucet is the earning feature on From a cryptocurrency faucet, anybody can earn money, usually in cryptocurrency, for doing almost nothing.

The least we should do to earn the money is just a click of a button. Most of these kind of programs nowadays will require more. We need to click and view some ads, visit and going through some webpages, and solve some captcha systems.

The amount of money we can earn from a cryptocurrency faucet usually is not that much, considering how easy and little the effort is. However, some of them allow us to repeat the process and let us claim over and over again after waiting for a period of time.

Overtime, with multiple claims and from multiple different cryptocurrency faucet programs, those pennies can eventually become very big. Combined with the chance of increasing value of the cryptocurrency, people can earn a lot from this type of programs.

In the case of, we can only earn Bitcoin or BTC at the moment. We can claim the faucet once every 5 minutes. The reward will be stored in our account and we can manually request a withdraw later. will then send the payment via, the micro wallet service.

How does it work?

After we sign in to our account, the first page we see is the faucet page. If we scroll down on that page, we will see the section that says REGULAR FAUCET REWARD which should be similar with the previous picture.

As we can see there between the two banners, there is a captcha system from hCaptcha. We need to solve it until we get the check mark. As shown by the next picture below, if we scroll down again, we will see a blue button that says CLAIM REWARD!.

We can click on it after solving the captcha to proceed. The page will reload but this time we will see an announcement with the yellow bar that says YUPPIE! YOU WON 1 SATOSHI, as shown by the second picture below.

That is it with the claiming the faucet process.

If we scroll down again to the Regular Faucet Reward section, the part where we found the captcha before will be replaced by a countdown timer. We need to wait for 5 minutes or 300 seconds before we can repeat the process and earn more Bitcoin.

On that same page, there is a section for SOUND NOTIFICATION. If we turn it on, we will hear a sound when the countdown is done so we can immediately claim the reward again.


Jackpot Bonus

By claiming the faucet and earn some Bitcoin, we are also participating in the Jackpot bonus. This is more like a lottery, in my opinion. It’s just that we cannot buy more tickets.

At the top of the page, we can see the current Jackpot Reward, highlighted in a yellow box. We can learn more about the Jackpot by clicking on the menu next to it that says JACKPOT WINNERS.

The next page we see after clicking that button should be similar to the next picture below. From the page, it says that the reward will keep increasing from each faucet claim by all of the users. It also says that the starting reward is 100 satoshi not from 0.

I tried to check and after my 1 claim the reward doesn’t seem to increase. Maybe it is but with smaller amount like less than 1 satoshi that we cannot find out by just looking at the page.

At the end of each day, one winner will be chosen to get the Jackpot reward. Clearly I haven’t gotten any reward so I don’t know how it works specifically. I assume that they will just transfer the reward to our account balance not paying directly to the micro wallet.

On that page we can see the past 15 winners. The highest reward was 383 satoshi from those 15 at the moment of this writing. At the bottom of the page we can find the server time for those who are interested in checking when they will send out the Jackpot.

Earning Rate and Comparisons

As stated by the page, the reward is always random amount between 1 up to 3 satoshi at this moment. I think this is also static not dynamic amount which the owner can set differently depending on various factors like their revenue or current value of BTC.

Usually if the value of BTC goes down, they can offer higher reward per claim and vice versa. Of course, the owner can just choose to give the same reward regardless.

At this moment, BTC is about 40,000 USD per coin. So, 1 satoshi is about 0.0004 USD and that is the earning rate per 5 minutes on It can go up to 0.0012 USD (3 satoshi) but for the most part, we will get the minimum.

The question is, is that a good earning rate? One way to find out is by making a simple comparisons to other similar program. In this case, other cryptocurrency faucet program.

Here are what I have tried so far., usually as my standard for good earning faucet, can give us like about 5 satoshi ($0.00207) at this time per claim every hour as the base reward which is what we will get most of the time. There is a chance to get higher rewards per claim from this.

We can get the same reward as this with if we claim 5 times per hour., now the faucet can only give us 2 claims per day. For me right now about 20 coins a day and with 100 coins equals to $0.01 means $0.002 per day, or about 4.8 satoshi of BTC. With 5 claims from and we can get higher reward than this for a day., a 5 minute faucet can offer like 0.0013773 DOGE ($0.0002) per claim. That is just half the reward per claim from and their group, each as hourly faucet can give altcoins about 666 litoshi ($0.00075) at this time as the base prize. That one claim is almost double the reward per claim from, also can give constant amount but only 0.5 satoshi (0.0002 USD) every hour at this moment. That is just half the reward that we can get from per faucet claim., has a faucet feature, give at least 1 satoshi (0.0004 USD) in BTC per hour. That one claim is actually the same reward as but with longer interval time., an auto faucet, at this time, with maximum bonus, can give like 1.2 satoshi per hour ($0.0005). One claim from faucet is almost the same as hourly rate from this., an hour faucet, can give us like 0.00781 DGB or about $0.0002 per claim. One claim from and we already get double the reward from this.

ES Faucet, another lump sum claim faucet, which we can earn from 30 minutes, offering 18 different coins, can give like 0.24 satoshi ($0.0001) after waiting for 30 minutes per faucet as the base prize only.

Even if we claim from all faucets, within 30 minutes and 6 claims from, we can get higher reward than this for the base reward., an hourly faucet, can offer like 1 satoshi ($0.0004) per hour or up to 24 per day. This is about the same reward as but only for the Bitcoin faucet, not their sister sites. offers like 0.0017 DOGE ($0.00025) per claim per 10 minutes or about 0.0102 DOGE per hour. One claim from in 5 minutes is already higher than one claim from this., as an instant 6 minute faucet can offer like 1 satoshi (0.0004 USD) per claim or 10 satoshi per hour. This is essentially the same reward or slightly lower than per claim., another lump sum faucet, offers like 1 satoshi of BTC (0.0004 USD) after 10 minutes waiting, without the bonus. That one claim is actually the same reward as but with longer interval time., a 30 minute faucet, can give us like 5 ALTH per claim or about 0.65 satoshi of BTC per claim ($0.00027). One claim from is already higher than this and we can claim more than once within 30 minutes., a 20 hour faucet can give like less than $0.0004 per claim as the base reward. That one claim is actually the same reward as one claim from, a 30 minute faucet, offers like 17.5 coin per claim or about 1.69 satoshi at this time ($0.0007). That one claim is almost double the reward from per faucet claim but with longer interval time., an hour faucet and we can claim like 20 coins (about $0.0002) per claim as the minimum. That one claim is just half the reward per claim from and with longer interval time., a 24 hour faucet offers multiple coins. If we claim all of them, we can get probably lower than $0.0018 or currently about 4 satoshi from various different cryptocurrencies. With 4 claims from in a day and we already get the same or higher reward than this., a daily faucet, where we can earn about 0.00000561 ZEC ($0.0007) per day. With 2 claims from, we can get higher reward than this for a day., a 5 minute lump sum faucet can give us like 0.91 satoshi ($0.00038) per claim. This is slightly lower rate per claim than, as a 5 minute faucet can give us 267 litoshi ($0.0003) per claim. This is slightly lower rate per claim than, a 30 minute faucet can give us like at least 5 tokens per claim ($0.0005). That one claim is higher but within 30 minutes, we can get up to 6 claims from, an auto faucet can give us like $0.01546 per day. We can get the same daily rate with but we need 40 claims., offers 4 claims of 60-minute faucets that can give us about 0.0007 USD per one faucet claim. That one claim is actually higher than one claim from but with longer interval time., a 15 minute faucet can offer between 1 to 4 satoshi per claim (currently, at least 0.0004 USD). This is essentially almost the same reward per claim as but with longer interval time. is currently a 45 minute faucet from which we can earn about 0.3 satoshi of Bitcoin at least per claim. That makes the hourly rate as 0.4 satoshi per hour (0.00017 USD). With just one claim from, we already get higher than 3x from this. with 60 minute multiple faucets can give like 0.00025 USD per hour from each faucet. That one claim is just slightly higher than half the prize from faucet per claim. with 30 minutes interval time, can give like 0.0002 USD per claim at least. That one claim is just half the reward we can get from faucet per claim., with 15 minute interval time can give at least 0.0006 USD per claim. For the same 15 minutes, we can claim 3 times with and get double this reward., with 1 minute interval time but only up to 5 claims per day can give like 0.0007 USD per claim. We can get the same reward per day as this from by claiming like 9 times per day.

These are just comparing strictly between the faucet earning rate. There are more things to consider like the claiming process or how easy to withdraw.

Some programs can offer other earning feature or bonus that could make them a better choice. On the other hand, some users might not be able to use those other earning feature and can only rely on faucet.

Comment and Suggestion

Based on the comparisons above, the reward is higher than most of these similar programs. However, there are two things to consider.

One. Usually faucets with shorter interval time can give higher reward as users will claim more often and generates more income for the platform from displaying more ads.

For that, maybe it is more appropriate to compare them with other 5 minute faucet. With that filter, there is really nothing special from this faucet. Some certainly give lower reward.

Two. The rate is higher if they use Bitcoin as the reward. Mostly because they usually cannot give lower than 1 satoshi, even though other platforms have used lower amount.

With other cryptocurrency, they can still give lower value than that 1 satoshi. This can also be problematic for themselves. If then the price of Bitcoin keeps getting higher and they still stuck with just 1 satoshi, they will eventually have to pay more than other programs.

Some people still believe that Bitcoin can reach 100,000 USD per coin or even higher. I don’t know when that will happen but if it does, either has to use different internal currency or they can go bankrupt.

It’s nice for users that they can earn more but is it sustainable for the faucet owner? A lot of new faucets have started to switch to fiat based for their internal currency to deal with the volatility of BTC value.

According to the claim history, my last 10 claims at this moment were all 1 satoshi. I think I still saw once in a while where I got 2 satoshi but very rarely. So, they will have to change the limit to just 1 satoshi and no other possible higher reward if BTC keeps going up.

Other faucet may give lower value but we also need to consider their other features. Some can give bonus like loyalty bonus if we claim in consecutive days. Others may have level system where the more we use it, the higher our level gets and the higher bonus per claim.

This will give incentive for people to keep coming back and use the faucet again. Eventually, the reward can be higher than Sadly, doesn’t have any of those features.

There will be a couple of pop up ads along the claiming process. This is to be expected even though there are other faucets that can minimize that.

The countdown timer is nice and the sound notification is very rare nowadays. However, I think the sound is a bit subtle. The problem is that the countdown is not based on actual time. It will slow down depending on the load of our device.

So, if I open a lot of browser tabs, I probably have to refresh the page myself. In that case, the sound becomes meaningless because it will never reach the end of the countdown.

I thought that it’s weird that the faucet page doesn’t have a dedicated link or menu so we can easily navigate to. It’s like we have to go to the ACCOUNT page and there  will be a button that says back to faucet page.

It turns out, we can simply just click on the title. If we are signed in, we will immediately arrive at the faucet page.

They use hCaptcha, which I think is better than the one from Google nowadays. I wish they can add alternative so that if one of them runs into technical issue, we can still have the other to keep using the faucet. Otherwise, we have to wait.

Overall, is not a bad faucet. The claiming process is very easy with just a couple of pop up ads and we can get decent reward. But at the same time, maybe it doesn’t offer anything special. People will just use it for a while and after they have reached the minimum, they withdraw, and probably will never come back.

Those people will probably think that they can do that with an instant faucet and get the reward immediately. In this one, there is a chance that we may not get paid at all.

Personally, I prefer this type to those instant one even though there is clearly a risk. It is also better for the owner. Nowadays those instant ones are very easy to disappear and some have begun switching to a better script.

The problem is then, this one doesn’t give the reason for users to stay. I wish they can add some more rewards like the loyalty bonus and not just the Jackpot reward. It should be a bonus that people can accumulate where they will get the bonus not just being lucky.

Shortlinks Bonus Reward

Aside from the regular faucet, there is another way to earn on On that same faucet page, there is a section called BONUS REWARDS, which is before the previous regular faucet reward.

As shown by the next picture below, we can see three blue buttons that says CLAIM 2/3 SATOSHI BONUS or DAILY BONUS!. These are the 3 shortlinks that we can visit to earn more Bitcoin.

Shortlink means we go to a 3rd party website’s pages with multiple ads. To go through each page, usually we either need to click on a button or solve some captcha.

At the end of the process, we will find a button that will redirect us back to the host page, which, in this case, Only then, we will get the reward of completing that process of shortlink.

The last 2 shortlink buttons that say DAILY, we can only complete the shortlink once per day. We need to wait for 24 hours after the visit before it will reset.

While the first one, we can complete the visit multiple times but from various different shortlink providers. Also before visiting the next shortlink, we need to wait for 15 minutes.

How does it work?

To start, we simply just click any of those 3 buttons. This will bring us to an instruction page similar to the next picture.

As we can see, there will be a step by step process of what we will be going through to complete a shortlink but in general. The actual process will be slightly more complicated than that.

At the bottom part, we can see another blue button that says CLAIM YOUR DAILY BONUS. In this example, I visited the third button which is daily bonus 2.

This next button will bring us to the provider’s page as shown by the second picture below. In this specific example, the providers we are visiting was ADBULL.

We can scroll down a bit and between the two square banners, there is another button with darker blue color that says CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE. If we click on that, we will proceed to the second page of the provider.

There will be a couple of pop up ads that we can close immediately in the process. If we do it correctly, the next page we see will be similar to the third picture below.

We can scroll down a bit again and similar to previous page, between the 2 square banners, we can find now a captcha system from Google. To proceed, we need to solve it until we get a green check mark.

Then, we need to click on the blue button that says CLICK HERE TO CONTINUE again. If we do it correctly, the page will reload and now it will have a countdown timer similar to the fourth picture below.

We need to wait for the timer to end and the blue button at the bottom will eventually say GET LINK. This button will bring us back to the host page as shown by the fifth picture below.

As we can see that the page will say that we have earned the 3 satoshi reward from visiting that shortlink. Then there is a button to bring us back to the faucet page.

We may notice on the faucet page again that the shortlink button will disappear after this visit. As mentioned before, for the second and third button, we need to wait for 24 hours before the button will activate again and we can repeat the process to earn more.

For the first one, the button will be replaced by a countdown timer. After 1,200 seconds, the button will active again, and we can repeat the process for that link.

That is pretty much it with how to earn from this Shortlink feature on Again, the providers we are visiting might be different and they have their own page, interface and process that will be different from each providers. But the overall process will be similar.

Reward and Comparisons

Since shortlinks are from third party program, we can actually find them on other host, complete the visit and get paid. Regardless of the host, the process remains the same for one provider.

The thing is that the reward is determined by the host. Some host can offer higher or lower or the same reward even though they come from one and the same provider.

Surely we can just visit them all and get the reward. However, for those who don’t have all time for that, maybe trying to complete on the host that pays higher is not a bad idea, considering that we need the same effort and time to complete them.

Usually I only visit the links from EXE.IO or FC.LC as they are probably the easiest and have been around for a while. In the case of, I know that the second link is FC.LC.

From that one, we get 2 satoshi after the visit. With Bitcoin’s value is currently around 40,000 USD per coin, that means the reward is about 0.0008 USD. But when the value drops and if they choose to stick with the same reward, that means the reward will be lower in USD.

Here are other hosts that I have tried that offers payments for this providers. offers to pay 31.25 Coins ($0.0012) for FC.LC as the base reward when they are still working with the provider. That is higher than offers to pay 9 ($0.0009) ALTH for FC.LC. This is also slightly higher than offers to pay 72 Coins ($0.00072) for FC.LC. This one is slightly lower than offers to pay 7 token ($0.0007) for all of their shortlinks. This is slightly lower than is offering 160 Coins as the base reward plus 1 AP for FC.LC. If 50 coins is about 0.0002 USD, that reward is about 0.00064 USD. This is lower than offers to pay 50 ACP ($0.0005) for completing a visit to FC.LC links. This is also lower than

Remember that any of these hosts can always change the reward anytime. This comparison is based on the reward at the moment of this writing.

Based on comparisons above, the reward from a lot of hosts can be very competitive. They don’t offer something significantly different. We just need to avoid the ones that offer rather low.

Comment and Suggestion

Even though I made a comparison specifically with FC.LC provider, I have to inform people that my last attempt to earn from this provider on ended up in failure.  I don’t know what happened but at the time I was back on the host page, they say YOU CANNOT GET THE BONUS RIGHT NOW.

Then, when I returned to the faucet page, that link button was gone. It’s like I have completed the visit. There is a chance that I did get the reward and this is just because I double clicked or something.

The problem is that I don’t know that for sure because there is no earning history for this feature. We can only see the past reward for the regular faucet.

Considering that there is still a chance that it may fail, I cannot really recommend anybody on using it. At least, they have to let me know whether I succeeded or failed. Otherwise I could be just wasting my time.

While both FC.LC and EXE.IO are probably two of the most popular providers, somehow the process keeps getting worse. The process used to be very simple and easy. Even though the current one is still easier than a lot of other providers.

Nowadays we see a lot of not just pop ups but overlapping ads until we really cannot see anything. Other providers can also create a loop to the point where we cannot really complete the process at all.

Recently, chose to stop working with these 2. That was a huge deal considering how popular that faucet is. Maybe shortlink is a problematic model, but I don’t know. I heard other faucet owners get scammed, not getting paid by some providers.

They still have to pay the users who competed the visit but the providers won’t pay them. Instead of becoming a source of income, they lose money hosting the providers. So, they have to cut them off.

As an alternative earning options, usually I like shortlink better than offerwalls mostly for the accessibility. The reward is of course not much but most users can earn from them easily.

The problem with is that we don’t know which providers we will be dealing with. Sometimes they are in random order like the first one is not always from this provider.

In that case, if we stuck with the first one, we cannot get through to the second. I don’t know if this is the exact case with

Other faucets allow us to choose which one to visit and get different reward. This way is easier for users to get used to some of the providers.

I also don’t like how they reset it. We have to wait exactly 24 hours since the time we completed the previous visit. This becomes a problem for people who regularly use the faucet at the same time everyday.

The time to access the shortlinks again will slowly move. There will be one day when we have to not visit it at all so it will reset from the start of the day again.

Of course, this is not meant to be a daily job but some people can really dedicate themselves for the same time everyday. They cannot do it with this platform. It probably can be bad for the platform as the users can just choose to complete them on different host.

On my attempt to go through these series of providers, the first one on the first link was SHRINK.ICU. The second from that is CLIK.PW. Both of them were rather easy.

For me, Shortlink feature is just an additional or secondary earning feature to help us reach the minimum to withdraw faster. Like if the minimum is 20 satoshi, and we are at 18 satoshi in our balance, then we can complete 1 shortlink to gain those 2.

This is sadly the only way to do so. On the other hand, with we can just wait for 5 or 10 minutes from the regular faucet and earn 2 satoshi from 2 claims.

On top of that, if we use the faucet, we may get better chance on getting the Jackpot while the shortlink will not give anything. Combine that with the chance of failing to get the reward, it is really hard to find a reason to use this feature at all.

Sure, it is better than nothing. I just wish maybe they can increase the bonus and chance on winning the jackpot by completing shortlinks as well. Not just the faucet.

Referral / Affiliate Program

There is a way to turn from an active income source into a passive one. That means, we don’t need to do a lot or actively use the earning features but we can still earn something passively.

That is by using the referral or affiliate features. What we do is we invite other people to join the program and let them use the platform. In this case, the program is and they can use the platform to earn.

Those invited will become our referrals. As their referrer, we will earn commission, a percentage of the amount they earn from using the platform.

That is true that it means we will get even lower amount. However, that is based on just one activity of one referral. The more referrals we have and the more active they use the platform will increase the chance to get more commission.

Moreover, we will earn those commission passively, 24/7 even while we are asleep. The earnings from the commission can be higher than if we actively do ourselves.

This one is a bit different compared to referral feature on other platforms.. The question is, can this one from be as good as it sounds?

How does it work?

Like on any online program offering a referral or affiliate commission, each member will get a unique link with their ID attached to it. It is called referral link or reflink and this next one is mine for

If anybody click on that link and use the program, they will become my referral. And if they use the platform to advertise, according to their page, as the referrer we can get commission, 20% from our referral’s earning.

What we need to do is to share the link to anybody online on any platform that we regularly use. The platform can be our social media accounts, forum, group messenger for family and/or friends, email or even website or blog that we own.

Anywhere we can post the link and the public can access it will do. Even Google Docs can work, if we let the file visible.

To find the link, we can access the Referral page by clicking on the menu that says REFER. The next page we see after that will be similar to the previous picture and the referral link will be similar to mine above but with different number at the end.

Unfortunately, there is no copy button so we have to make sure we do not miss any character from that link. Even just missing one character means losing a potential income source.

Alternatively, we can also find the link on the faucet page, at the bottom portion or on the ACCOUNT page. The Account page will have the info about the number of referrals that we have and the total commission we got from them.

On the Referral page, we can also find several promotional banners with various sizes and shapes that we can use to promote the program. However, the HTML code is just for hyperlink text not the banner themselves.

Also it seems that the info on the banners are a bit outdated. The referral link is the essential though.

How to get (more) referrals?

Well, sharing the link is a must but how exactly? Sharing to the wrong people is like a salesman approaching stranger. People hate that.

If we try to share on our social media, people might get annoyed if they are not interested. Especially if we are spamming, sharing over and over again like multiple times within a day.

We could lose our followers, risking any network we have built. Maybe it’s better to have alternate account specifically just to share this kind of program.

We look for community or other users that we know are interested. Or only when they ask, then we can share with them the link.

A better way might be to share on forums. Not just any forum of course, but related to online money making program, bitcoin, or other cryptocurrencies.

The problem with using any free platform like this is that we are probably not the only one who promote the same program. We have to offer something more than just the referral link like anybody else.

Another thing is that these free platforms have rules that they can suddenly change about promotion and not to mention, shutting down their service entirely. We have to start over our campaign if they delete them.

A better way would be to have our own website. We can share anything not just one program but others with the same, similar or related topics.

Having a website is like having a shop in real life. People can always come back to and find out more programs to use.

Then we can use those free platforms, forum or social media accounts  just for promotion. A good way to get backlink or generate traffic.

Since it’s an online shop, it will stay open 24/7, no need to wait for us to wake up and can be accessed from everywhere around the world. The best part of having our own place or website is that any search engine like Google will do the promotion work non stop.

And they will show the website as a result to exactly people who are interested in it. They use the search engine to look for it and get the website we build as the result. No need to worry about being annoying salesman.

Those people will access the website, see what we have to offer. Maybe a review like this, other or similar program we use, sharing experience, opinion, views to let people know that we understand this kind of program.

If they are interested, they will become our referrals for any program we promote. Once we have enough referrals for or every programs we promote, we can have passive income even full time income.

That is exactly how people can build their business online. They own a website, fill the website with contents that can help promote a program, and let it work automatically.

If you are interested to know more about how to build a website and turn it into an online business, keep reading. I will share with you later about a training program that anybody can use.

In the meantime, let’s head back to for a little bit.

Comment and Suggestion

At this point I haven’t gotten any referrals for Because of that, I cannot tell for sure whether the feature is working or not. What I’m about to say is based on my experience with other similar programs and assuming it will work the same way as the others.

That 20% commission is not bad rate but it is not the highest. Other similar programs can offer like up to 50%.

Here is the problem. Since they use Bitcoin as the internal currency and we can only get 1 satoshi per claim, how much can we get from that 20%? We are supposed to earn like 0.2 satoshi but if they do not count any amount less than 1 satoshi, do they round up or down?

Most of the time they will round it down even though I’ve seen other faucets that do the opposite. If then they choose to round up, that means the commission rate itself is actually 100%. Again, this issue is specifically because they still use Bitcoin and 1 satoshi as the lowest possible amount.

This can become worse for the faucet owner if Bitcoin value keeps going up. Which is why other faucets have started to switch to fiat based currency. Another solution that the owner can do is to count the lower than 1 satoshi amount.

They can still limit the withdraw like it has to be 1 satoshi or above. By implementing that idea, the owner can choose to give lower commission reward per referral’s faucet claim. Maybe it’s not good for users but at least it can help the owner to stay in business.

The page says that the referrer will get 20% of all the referral’s claim. I assume this includes their claim on the shortlink bonuses. But the similar problem still applies. If the referral earn 2 or 3 satoshi, we are supposed to only get 0.4 or 0.6 satoshi.

Other programs can implement the rounding differently for different features. Or even with different commission rates. At least, if they choose to round up, the owner will not lose as much as the faucet.

Regarding the Jackpot reward, I doubt that they consider it as the referral’s claim. None of these matters unless we know for sure if they are willing to pay that much.

Because of that, there is no point on promoting this program if we cannot get anything. That is not the only issue. doesn’t have any proper registration process. Anybody can just use their Bitcoin wallet address to sign in and start earning. My problem with this idea is that it is so easy for anybody to change their wallet address.

If the referral choose to sign in with different address, it will be considered as a different account. This new account is probably not longer our referral. If that is the case, we will not earn anything as the referrer even if the referral is very active.

That means the chance of losing a referral is big with this system and that is not a good idea for building a long term passive income. We will want the referral to keep coming back using the same ID. For that reason, email is a better option.

Of course, there is no guarantee that the user will not change their email but it will not be that easy to keep creating multiple email addresses compared to multiple BTC wallet address.

Another issue with this system is that the faucet relies heavily on the micro wallet, which is at the moment to be operational. If then anything happened to the micro wallet like the recent or before that, we are losing our account and all of the referrals we have invited.

It will be nice if then they can find an alternative that use the same system. If not, the chances are they will just reset their database and we have no choice but to start over.

Let’s say that they want to keep using this system. A good referral program also relies on the main feature of the platform. In this case, it’s the earning features like faucet or shortlinks.

There is no point on having a lot of referrals if none of them want or can use these features. As I have mentioned above, all of the features are accessible in general but there is not enough incentive for users to keep coming back.

If they can implement something like the loyalty bonus, at least it will give an idea to the users to keep coming back and claim at least once per day. This is to maintain the bonus. There is no feature like that here at this moment.

So, we may invite referrals and they may or may not earn anything. If they do, they probably just withdraw their earnings. After that, they will not come back.

With all of that in mind, is probably not the best one to build as a long term passive income. We can get a nice earnings if we use it ourselves but not to expect the referrals to generate the commission. At least, with the current system.


We have discussed about how to earn with and now we need to know how do we get paid from them or the payment system. At this moment while they also offer Advertising but we have to contact them directly and probably send the payment manually outside the platform.

So, this is all about the withdrawing part. As mentioned before, that in order to earn or get paid, we need to have a account. We need to link our Bitcoin wallet address first to our micro wallet account then use that wallet address to sign in.

We can use this link to create account with for free. To learn more about how to link address, exchange coins or withdraw coins, please read Review.

Once we have done all of that, now, it’s time to learn how the withdrawing process work.

How to withdraw

To withdraw, we can click on the ACCOUNT menu at the top. We can also click on our coin balance next to our wallet address. Either of them will bring us to a page similar to the previous picture.

As we can see, on that page, there is a blue button that says WITHDRAW TO FAUCETPAY.IO.  That page will also tell us that the minimum is currently 50 satoshi at the moment.

We can click on that and the next page we see will be similar to the next picture. Somehow on this second page, the minimum is different which is now 200 satoshi. I think I have withdrawn less than this amount so we can use the previous minimum.

This page is like a confirmation page to make sure that we check again the wallet address that we are sending the coins to. To proceed we just need to solve that hCaptcha  and then click on the WITHDRAW button at the bottom.

Then, as shown by the second picture below, the page will reload and it will say that the request has been added to queue. Right below that, it continues with a NOTICE saying that all payments will be processed within 72 hours after request.

This tells us that the payment will be processed manually and not instantly. As shown by the third picture below, if we go back to the ACCOUNT page, we will see the pending withdraw entry.

The fourth picture shows a payment entry on from my previous withdraws.

That is it with how we get paid from to

Conclusion is one of the Bitcoin faucet that has been operating since 2017. Back then, they used to process the payment before switching to the current one

This is not an instant faucet but we can use Bitcoin wallet address to sign in and immediately use their platform. They will store the earnings in our account first and once we have reached the minimum, we can request to withdraw.

The payment will be processed within 3 days after the request with 50 satoshi BTC as the minimum at the moment. There will be no additional fee to process that payment.

The faucet or the main feature itself is very simple. We just need to solve a captcha system from hCaptcha and get the reward. According to their page we can get between 1 up to 3 satoshi per claim and we can repeat the process after 5 minutes with no daily limit.

So far, I always got just 1 satoshi for the last few claims. There is no additional bonus like Loyalty bonus to increase the reward. However, by claiming the faucet, we are automatically participating in their Jackpot Bonus.

It’s more like a lottery but we don’t know the exact process or have any chance to buy more tickets. All we know is that one lucky winner will get the reward as low as 100 satoshi each day.

The bonus will increase everytime any user claim this regular faucet. Based on the last few entries, the highest reward is almost 400 satoshi at this moment.

Other than that, there is also a Shortlink feature. They have 2 shortlinks where we can visit just once a day and gain either 2 or 3 satoshi per visit. Then we need to wait 24 hours since the end of last visit before they allow us to repeat the process.

There is also one more shortlink button where we can access various providers’ page. This one can be visited every 15 minutes and earn like 2 satoshi per claim.

The last feature that they have is the referral or affiliate. While the commission rate is set to 20% but since they use Bitcoin as their internal currency, I’m not sure whether we can still get something from each referral’s claim considering that the reward itself is already the lowest possible amount.

Since there is no proper registration, users can just easily change their wallet address to sign in. That way the referrer can lose a lot of their referrals. Their main feature itself doesn’t give enough reason or incentive for users to keep coming back and use the platform.

Because of that, this is probably not the best one to build as a passive income source. To actively earn ourselves, the faucet gives decent earning rate but it is based on the Bitcoin value. If the value of Bitcoin can keep going up, each claim is worth more unless the faucet change their internal currency system.

The owner is offering a way to advertise on the platform but we need to contact them and they will do it manually. So, there is no deposit option.

So, for those who still consider this as an opportunity for more income source, you can start earning with via this link. It’s FREE. We just need to link the wallet address to account to get paid.

Earn More Coins from Similar Programs

There are a lot of other programs, not just faucet like this where we can earn more cryptocurrencies like BTC, DOGE, BNB and many more. Some of them will pay via the same micro wallet but others can just send the payment directly to our wallet.

Here are some that I have tried so far. Links are to a review article for each program. I recommend checking the article to find out the latest update.

Last update: September 2023

For programs that will pay via Remember that there is an exchanger feature on this micro wallet. (PTC, BTC) (faucet, 30 minutes, Multi Coins) (Faucet, 30 minutes, Multi Coins) (Ad Network, Bitcoin) (faucet, 5 minutes, BTC) (faucet, 5 minutes, Multi Coins) (Faucet, 2 minutes, Multi Coins) (Faucet, 5 minutes, Multi Coins) (Faucet, 1 minute, Multi Coins) (PTC, Multi Coins) (Faucet, 5 minutes, Multi Coins) (Faucet, 30 minutes, Multi Coins) (PTC, Multi Coins) (Faucet, 30 minutes, Multi Coins) (PTC, BTC) (Faucet, 60 minutes, Multi Coins) (Faucet. 60 minutes, BTC)

Here are for programs that will send the payment directly to our wallet. (Faucet, 2 days, ALGO) Faucet
(Exchanger, Multi Coins) (Faucet, PTC, Offerwalls, Multi Coins) (Faucet, PTC, Offerwalls, Multi Coins) (Faucet, investment, BTC) and the Group (Faucet, Multi Coins) & Group (Faucet, Investment, Multi Coins) (Faucet, Multi Coins) (PTC, offerwalls, Multi Coins) (Faucet, BTC) (Faucet, 60 minutes, Multi Coins)

I don’t always update every article on this website. Please check this Complete List for the latest one.

Final Words

As mentioned before that we cannot earn that much from or any of the cryptocurrency faucet. Usually, the key is to use the referral program, get a lot of referrals and let them do the work and we get the commission passively.

There is no need to rely on just referral program from We can try and promote other referral programs as well. As many as we want.

In order to do that, it’s better to have our own website, promote the program until we can get enough referrals and they can generate income for us. This is not only limited to digital product but we can also promote physical product.

Share a link from a marketplace like Amazon, or directly from big brands like Apple, and if people buy something, we can earn some commission. It’s not limited to just tech product but any passion we have from food, travel, sports, movies.

That is how we can have an online business.

If you are interested to learn more about building a website and turn it into a business, even a passive income, there is a training program that you can try.

On this training, not only we can learn about how to, but we can actually set up the website, grow it until it can generate income. We can learn from a lot of experts who were once just like you and me, know almost nothing about online business.

This is an easy training program that even a guy without a college degree can use it. Within two years he started to have a full time income from his website and quit his regular job.

We can even ask the owner the help out directly. Try it. Join the program for FREE and try to reply their first message to you and see if they get back and help you out.

You can learn more about the training from my review here.

We grow the business and website by using affiliate programs just like Here is my list of other affiliate programs that you can try.

I will keep updating the page and add more programs. So, stay tuned.

Well, that’s all I can share with you about, a cryptocurrency faucet program. Maybe I missed something and you have more question about it, or if you want to add your experience, view, opinion, don’t hesitate to use the comment section below.

Maybe you also have other experience with other similar programs with this, hopefully a better one, you can suggest something as well. I would love to help if I could and learn more about online program.

Hope my reviews can help. Thanks for reading.


Mark M.

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