Wealthy Affiliate Review – A Whole Package for Online Industry

In this post, I’m gonna share about Wealthy Affiliate Review based on my experience with them.

A little back story about me, when I joined Wealthy Affiliate I had minimum knowledge of any online industry other than using Google to surf through the internet. As a young person, an opportunity to have extra income would interest me. I’ve tried many kinds of online income programs, but it wasn’t enough or failed, or scams or that I wasn’t sure to do it.

Usually when I heard the word “affiliate” it kinda scares me and immediately like “it must be about marketing or sales or talk to people, selling something” that I believed I couldn’t do it.

And yet, I joined Wealthy Affiliate in 2016. I’ve heard about them long before that. When an online money making program has been around long enough, it means that they could be legit. If they were scams, they wouldn’t make it more than two years.

So, I asked myself, what makes them different than other money making programs? I decided to give it a try since they offer something for free. Here is what I can find so far about Wealthy Affiliate.

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Website: www.wealthyaffiliate.com
Type: Online Business Training Program
Features: Hosting, Domain, Keyword Research Tool, Public Blog, Community
Membership: Free (Forever), Premium ($49/ month)
Referral Bonus: 25% (Free Member), 50% (Premium), recurring
Payment Method: Paypal
Minimum Withdraw: none (Monthly)
Started SInce: 2005

Wealthy Affiliate, What is It?

For me, Wealthy Affiliate (WA) is an Online Industry Platform. I don’t like to use the word business like the others might, because it’s kinda intimidating or pressuring to some people like me, scaring away some people that think WA is just to make money while in fact they offer us a lot more.

It has been around since 2005, founded by Kyle Loudon and Carson Lim. Now more than a decade later they have added Wealthy Affiliate with a lot of improvements and they will keep doing so.

But of course, like anything else this platform can help or be our business but that can come as the second part. As I stated on the title that it is a Whole Package for Online Industry. Why? They offer us everything we need in the industry.

Wealthy Affiliate offers to help us with:

  • understanding the online industry concept
  • setting up our blog or website
  • training and tutorials
  • optimizing your website performance through search engines
  • build and help your business and network through community

All of those in one single platform. Okay, but how good is it? Let me elaborate.

Hosting Platform for Setting up Blog or Website – Free or Paid Website

For any online industry, setting a website is the first thing to do. For that, we need hosting provider, domain name and build a website. We can do a Google Search and find a lot of blogs and websites telling us about how to set up a website fast but they cannot actually do it.

We need to buy a domain and a hosting platform for the website which they can only suggest from a third party. Surely with a cost and no guarantee without problem because the one teaching us probably doesn’t have any control over the local hosting or domain registrar service we use.

Wealthy Affiliate is also a website hosting platform using the name of SiteRubix.com. It offers free service like WordPress.com or Bloggers or Wix where we can have a free subdomain blog. To use SiteRubix.com service, we need to join Wealthy Affiliate.

They didn’t have this from the start, but they encourage people to use Blogger back then. So this is one of their improvement over the years.

As a hosting provider, they offer only one hosting plan specifically only for WordPress based website. WordPress is considered as the best blogging platform with many custom themes and plugin free and ready to use.

It is very common for any websites these days to use WordPress because we can easily move our website to a different hosting with a single switch. Around 30% of websites are using WordPress now. What we can see is just using different or customized themes.

When Wealthy Affiliate say they can set our website up fast, it’s true but only for WordPress website, which, any hosting providers can do it as well nowadays.

Comparison with other free blogging platform

Here is a summary comparison between Wealthy Affiliate and other free blogging platforms.

The free website that Wealthy Affiliate offer has pre installed WordPress with two plugin All in One SEO Pack and EWWW Image Optimizer and 12 themes. We can’t add more plugin or customize the theme, unless we become premium member.

If we can code, we can still add some feature on content or widget. This is typical for any free blogging platform, can’t customize much.

We can start our blog for free with using all of them. The downside for for Wealthy Affiliate is that they don’t let us keep our free blog after six months unless we upgrade our membership. With WordPress.com and Bloggers, we can keep it forever, unless they shut down their service.

With free blog from WordPress.com, we can’t make any money but for Wealthy Affiliate and Bloggers we can still put some advertising or affiliate link to make money. Since Wealthy Affiliate free blog only last for six months, if we want to make money right away for free maybe Bloggers is the only choice.

Comparison with other hosting providers service

Compared to a hosting provider, Wealthy Affiliate only offers one hosting plan, based on their membership. For $49/month we can get a managed shared WordPress hosting.

Managed hosting means, that they can help us with any WordPress website problem. We can just ask them for help with any technical problem and since WordPress is the only service they offer since 2005, we can rely on their expertise.

For a hosting, $49 is not a cheap. People can get like VPS hosting or Cloud hosting with this kind of price from regular hosting platform, which is better than shared hosting.

Other providers like BlueHost and SiteGround can offer like less than $5 a month but in order to get that price we can’t just buy it for 1 month but 3 years worth and that is just the first time price. After 3 years, they will charge like $10 a month and that is just their lowest plan, which probably offer the least resources for hosting.

On the other hand, Wealthy Affiliate only offers one plan which we can try monthly. For one year term we can get like less than $30. There is also a Black Friday deal for even cheaper one year term price.

From their website, there is no complete specification about the hosting resource and limitation. Here is what we can find about Wealthy Affiliate hosting.

  • their website is fast enough (Amazon c3. Large, 1.3 seconds average page load time)
  • 30GB storage
  • 500k visitors/ month,
  • for up to 50 websites, (25 Domain and 25 free SiteRubix)
  • daily backup
  • unlimited email accounts.
  • Double host system
  • Proven security system
  • Free SSL Certificate
  • 24/7 Access to Server Admins
  • Staging Environment
  • BotNet Security

Usually any hosting would state more like which hard drive type they use (SSD or HDD), which SSL Certificate to use, datacenter, etc.

Additional Fee for Domain

Don’t forget that like any other hosting providers, we still need to buy and pay for domain name annually. Wealthy Affiliate also offers service for domain registrar with just one fixed price, $13.99 for renewal as well, no matter which gTLD we choose. Even though as part of the training, they will recommend anybody to use .com or .net only.

This is actually a good offer since they include extra feature like Whois protection. Usually other registrars will charger lower price just for the first year, without extra feature and the same price for renewal.

The problem is, there is no statement whether they are the ICANN accredited registrar or not. On their training, they actually suggest people to use separate provider between hosting and domain registrar. This is just a service for those who doesn’t want to deal with different companies.

Free Blog or Paid Website

So, with Wealthy Affiliate we can have either, a free website with a free membership, a free website with paid membership or paid website with paid membership. Free website with free membership is practically useless.

Six months won’t really get us anywhere even if we can use all the resources like 5GB storage they offer unless we are planning to upgrade membership after six months. It is just there to introduce to people with how to build website using WordPress.

With paid membership we can have up to 25 free subdomain websites and 25 websites using domain we buy. People might think that using a subdomain is not very good, that somehow unreliable. Well, in Wealthy Affiliate we can find out that the most important thing for the industry is not that. Content is the key.

Even when we do a google search, are they showing us the website’s name or the content? Here are several ways to use the free websites with paid membership:

  • As personal blog, where we can write about anything, not trying to be professional that just related to niche.  Learn to write any type of post before doing an actual one for our main website
  • Try different plugins, themes and customization before put it on main website to avoid any problem and downtime
  • Use it to build website contents first before buying domain
  • for social media marketing which prohibit any affiliate links

So what’s the upside?

If we value the price only for its part, it is definitely overpriced. The real value of Wealthy Affiliate price is that they offer us a way to build successful online business, not just hosting any website.

With regular hosting providers, they don’t actually care about what kind of website we build as long as we don’t violate their terms and pay them. Both of them can offer managed hosting but regular hosting providers will only give support just to make sure the website is running, not how it can generate income.


That’s a guarantee from Wealthy Affiliate that we can see from their website.  Wealthy Affiliate offer a lot of features that can help the website get more traffic which is essential for making revenue. Keep reading to find out more about these features.

>>>>>>>>Start your FREE WEBSITES right now here.<<<<<<<<<<<<

Wealthy Affiliate Training and Tutorials – Various Format and Level

The first thing we need to build a successful website is the knowledge, the education. It is not just about how to build a website, but more about how to build a business.

Here we will learn about, at least what I can find. There might be some more for now and recently they add a tutorial about creating e-commerce website. They will keep adding them.

  • Finding a niche, based on what we love, what we passionate about and how to make money from them.
  • Build traffic. Using low competition keywords and content creation for organic traffic, mostly from search engine.
  • Monetizing Website. The main option here is to use affiliate program, but there are others like displaying ad from Adsense or create our own product and sell them.
  • Social Media Marketing. As alternative ways to build traffic and exposure.
  • Content Creation. Learn what kind of content writing that can convert the best and how to make them.

Wealthy Affiliate offers a lot of training that are presented in step by step guide that we can follow and try them on their platform. They are given in various format, like videos, writings and blogs, image, webinar, or classes, so they suit many people’s way of learning. Various level of training are set that we can choose which level of training suit us.

They also provide us with tools to help and supports by asking them directly. We can get help from many more experienced members or even from Kyle, the owner himself. So it’s not just a machine with instructions but a community. It’s a 24/7 help because the members are from around the world, ready to help us.

Surely a lot of people are doing the same with their blogs and websites and we can open a lot of browser tabs at the same time. The problem would be that they are just giving you the knowledge and you’re gonna need to ask a third party even fourth or fifth to do that. Why not just do it here where they provide everything.

Currently they already have more than 100 lessons of training and tutorials, more than 1000 classes which will be added weekly, not to mention any successful stories the growing member share with their ups and downs, tricks from the real experience. So it’s not an outdated knowledge but Wealthy Affiliate keeps their content updated. A very sustainable, long term system.

For me, being a slow learner, I can always read back and redo any training and tutorials. The video helps me a lot because I am more of a visual person so I can understand the text better.

>>>>>>>>Start your training NOW.<<<<<<<<<<<<

Getting Traffic and Rank from Search Engine

The idea of having a website or posting something from the internet is to put the word out. We want our product, service, idea, or just information to reach somebody. In business terms of online industry, we want as many people as possible to access the information, which means traffic.

Traffic doesn’t necessarily mean buyer or customer, but we can expect a percentage of that number to be one. More traffic means more income.

Search Engine Based Life

Nowadays, people are using search engines like Google, to find out about something. We use certain words that we put on the search engine and we get results.

The results are a list of articles from websites sorted according to how relevant the content of the article and the website to the “keyword” that we use. The article to be the first on the list will likely to get more traffic than the others.

This is what we’re going to find out from the Wealthy Affiliate. Understanding the keyword that people are going to use and we use it to make a content, an article or post.

Pick the right keyword that people use a lot but within the number of competition with other websites. We’re also going to learn about how exactly the search engine rank.

For example, it is said that we cannot just put a lot of keywords on one article without any correlation and just hoping people would fall for that. It is called keyword stuffing.

The search engines, even though are just machines, have more and better parameters nowadays to distinct between articles with quality and those with none. We also can’t just copying content from other websites, because they could recognize them as duplicate content.

Those are just two things about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We’re gonna be using many tools like for keyword research tool or any traffic tools. Everything that I just describe is just the knowledge that we can also find it elsewhere and try it on our own.

But once again, Wealthy Affiliate already provide us anything we need. We just need to focus on using them instead of look for another.

Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool

I’m not sure about this but judging by the website design of Jaaxy, I can assume that this is also part of Wealthy Affiliate. Unlike SiteRubix that we need to join Wealthy Affiliate to use, we can use Jaaxy as an individual tool.

This is one of the tool they offer us to use in order to find the right keyword for our article. Just type in our niche and it will generate a lot of keywords with numbers of monthly searches on search engine and the number of competitions from another websites.

The goal is to find a keyword that we can write an article with, without too many competitions and yet still a lot of people search for them. Find hundreds of keywords, write hundreds of articles to generate enough traffic to our website.

This is just one of the tool we can use that they officially recommend. There are a lot of alternatives out there. Even Google search suggestion can be used to generate idea to narrow down possible keywords. We can learn this from Wealthy Affiliate.

Become an Authority to Our Niche

Since in every second people create contents for their website, eventually search engine need to pick the right one to show on the top. Being an authority means, getting recognition from search engine that we are the right one for people to ask regarding our niche.

Technically speaking, search engine like Google can’t just see us as an authority by one article only, no matter how good it is. From what I heard we need dozens of articles before search engine recognize us. Once they did, our rank could go on top of the result easier.

Like any other business we need time to grow our business. Even Jeff Bezos didn’t make any profit for the first two years while building Amazon. We just need to keep learning about our niche, keep writing to add more contents and eventually we can become an authority.

Other means for becoming an Authority

Getting recognition from search engine is just one way to become an authority. If we write something good enough according to any search engines, we can get rank.

Some people said that we need to write long enough like 1000 to 2000 words per article to make sure we did good for search engine. That’s just one of many variables.

I also saw other bloggers try to ignore search engine or SEO. These people didn’t follow any SEO suggestion for writing an article like researching for keyword. And yet they still can get a lot of traffic and eventually become an authority in the eyes of search engine.

What they do is build a community and grow with them. They build network with other bloggers and every one of them help each other by sharing their works. Social media platform such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and many others are one way to do this.

Eventually, search engine can also recognize these people as an authority as well. Is that mean that we don’t need Wealthy Affiliate?

Actually, Wealthy Affiliate aware of this and in their platform, they have features for community to help us getting traffic as well. I will explain it on the next part.

>>>>>>>>Learn how to get MORE TRAFFIC. Here.<<<<<<<<<<<

The Community – A Safe Learning Space and Network Building

Wealthy Affiliate also provides a platform for members to interact with each other. We can do a personal chat to one specific member or ask questions in a more public area and a lot more people will come to help.

I call it the safe space for learning. Why? First, they encourage us to ask literally anything. Any active and older member know that they have gone the same experience as any new member.

For them, there is no stupid question. They already got help before when they started and now they want to pay it forward by helping any new members.

Try to compare them with other social media platforms. There is always one person that feels more superior and bullies the other.

Not here. The members love to help and they love to learn. They know how important to have someone to support them, especially when you barely knew about the online industry.

Did I mention about we can get help directly from the owner, Kyle? The CEO of the company? Even more, for a free member? Can we do that with other CEO? I don’t think so. Maybe they would say that their time is too valuable to be wasted on someone like me or I have to pay them.

Rank system and The Ambassador Program

The Ambassador program is to encourage the community, especially the expert one to be more active in helping other members. There are a lot of people really love the community. Twenty people are selected as the top members that contribute enough for the community.

Any members can just learn and focus on building their website without sharing anything. After all they already pay for it.

The ambassadors might not be more successful than other members but surely each one of them is an expert and willing to help. They don’t say how much but there are rewards for those investing their time helping the community.

For me, being an introvert, with trust issue, non-english speaker, I can’t get the full benefit from this. The good thing is that I could read what the others are asking and learn from any replies they got. Here, the comment section is also an important thing.

Basically the ambassadors are top twenty members who are actively contribute for the community. Every member has a rank and it is based on three aspects, Helper, Creator, and Activity aspect.

Helper means for those who actively engage with any comment, question, or other member who post on Wealthy Affiliate. While Creator status means those who create more of posting or training / tutorial. And activity just how we use any feature on the member dashboard.

Ambassadors are those who can balance between the three aspect or actively contribute in one aspect. So with this system, we have a better look on other member whether they are more of a helper or creator.

No need to limit ourselves to ask just the ambassadors. There is also a list of top 200 members which we can see their rank on each aspect.

Comments to build Brand Awareness and Network

At first, I thought that the only purpose for the community is to ask for help, probably for technical problem. Since I tend to search the answer by myself, I tried to ignore it.

As I mentioned earlier that there are successful bloggers not because they write a perfect article but they build their brand awareness by having a community. Find other bloggers with the same niche or passion and share their works. They did this by sharing through social media or commenting on their article.

The idea is that these comments, can also be part of the article that any search engine is indexing. So we can just write something very short but since a lot of people are interested in, they can build a discussion like opening a thread on a forum.

Sometimes we don’t write to offer any new things, sometimes we can just ask for outside opinions. The comments are the one generating new contents or added value and it is also part of updating the article. Eventually search engine will see this as a keep fresh content, not an outdated one which they tend to push it back.

This way, we don’t always need to write something new or feel like working alone. Our website with other bloggers’ can complement each other for traffic and grow our brand awareness together.

Site Comments and Site Feedback features from Wealthy Affiliate

These are two features that any paid member can use in order to take advantage of growing their brand awareness. If any member host their website on Wealthy Affiliate, the whole community can either give comment or feedback for every content they create for their website.

As I mentioned earlier that any comment we get can be seen as an update and added value or contents for our writing. The problem is that not every member is aware the value of giving related and meaningful comment.

Ideally this should be done by members with the same or similar niche, so they actually know and can contribute something related to the content. Not just saying good work, or great article.

Wealthy Affiliate also provide another way for any member who doesn’t host their website on Wealthy Affiliate. The problem is that they are using the same system like commenting a post and every comment with our link, can be sunk down by the new one without ever getting an exposure.

Wealthy Affiliate Credit System

To put it simple, credit system is a currency accepted here in Wealthy Affiliate that any member can use to convert between money and credit from activities in the platform. Any member can earn credits by using Site Comments and Site Feedback features, which, they can convert into income. Every credit is worth $0.5.

We can use these credit that we earn as well to ask for comments and feedback for our website. It is almost like a bribe but the initial idea is to encourage people to be part of the community by exchanging a favor. This practice also happen with group of bloggers outside Wealthy Affiliate.

Other way of Support we can get

There are other ways to get some support here in Wealthy Affiliate. Most of them are limited for premium member only. Any starter member can comment to ask further question on post or use the search bar to find some post.

Live chat. This is a public live chat not a 1 on 1, where we can interact with any members. If we ask something there, anybody online can give us a response, hopefully can be helpful.

Private Message. This is a channel to connect with specific member. Like private message on other social media platform. Usually this will take some time depending on the member we want to interact with.

Comment on post, profile or reply. This is also a way to connect with specific member who creates the post or profile but in public area so other people can come and respond to our query.

Ask a question blog. We can write a blog posting a question. Usually anybody who followed will reply or share, hopefully it can reach a lot more people so we can get more answer.

Site Support for website hosted on Wealthy Affiliate. This is for technical aspect of our website. So it can be about WordPress, plugin, theme, uptime, migration. etc.

Sponsor’s Website. Usually any referral can ask their sponsor for help via their website.

Search Bar. For those who prefer reading to asking, we can just type a keyword on search bar and we can find some posts related to the keyword. To be honest this is not a very good search bar as we can’t actually see all of the result, just the suggestion.

Generally, the one who feel obligated to help is usually our sponsor. They know that if they can help their referrals, they can get money from membership fee.

There’s also a chance that we might be joining someone who isn’t very active in community. Like me, maybe they are still getting started or having problem interacting with other people.

In that case, every member is connected with both of the owner, Kyle and Carson. We can always ask them for help as a last resort via their profile or for any premium member with any means I mentioned before.

The Spam Free Policy

Since this is like a social media platform where we can interact with other people, spamming can happen. Not to mention other members will try to promote their product or their website as well. Usually by putting links on comments.

Wealthy Affiliate will not tolerate such an act. Any member still try to do so will be suspended from interacting or even get complete suspension.

Since they are dealing with a lot of members here, there might be a slight delay to process them. So far, there are people who really cares about this platform and will help report spamming to the owner.

>>>>>>>>Learn from EXPERTS here.<<<<<<<<<<<<<

What does Wealthy Affiliate Cost?

With so many features that they offer, what does if cost? Most of the things that I have shared are my experience as a Starter Member and it’s free. Let me summarize what we can get as $0 Starter Member:

  • instant access to 10 lessons of Online Entrepreneur
  • instant access to 10 lessons of Affiliate Program Bootcamp Training
  • 2 absolutely free websites with sub domain and hosting ready to run (for six months only)
  • 12 Free website designs
  • protection from virus or malware for your website
  • 30 free keyword search analysis
  • earn commissions from the affiliate program

They also have Premium membership for $49/ month with more benefits. For summary:

  • full access to all lessons and classes
  • unlimited number of free websites to with a lot more website designs
  • better supports for your websites to run more efficiently like better speed to
  • access, protection and monitoring, backup and security with more powerful server
  • unlimited access to interact with community especially from the experts
  • better analysis tools to increase your websites’ performance
  • higher commissions from the affiliate program
  • and a lot more

You don’t have to take my word for it but you could just check for yourself. Join, take a tour within the website. No need to submit any credit card. All I’m saying is that you can get a lot of benefits even just as a Starter Member. You got nothing to lose. Just stay as a Starter Member until you’re sure.

There are several complaints that I found about stopping our Premium Membership. People might think that if we stop paying, we would just get a downgrade back to Starter Member. What actually happen is that they are gonna suspend our account and wait for another payment to reactivate the account. What they promise us is that they are gonna let us keep our websites.

This usually happen if we want to move our website to another hosting, and no longer continue in Wealthy Affiliate. The proper way to do this is to move our website BEFORE our membership expired.

I have warned you. So stay as Starter Member, do not take the $19 initial offer yet. Limited offer only means that it’s for the first month only. NO DOWNGRADE! Remember this and I’m sure we’ll be fine.

Temporary Suspension

If somehow we can’t afford our next month membership, I heard that we can just inform the owner that we can’t pay but willing to continue our membership. This way, we get our membership suspended but not our website.

We can’t use any feature from Wealthy Affiliate member dashboard to create content but we can still create content by accessing our website via WordPress. Just need to know the password, generated from members area.

I’m not sure how long we can let our membership suspended without ever pay them again. I’ve seen some members keep coming back to it using this possibility. Just reach out to Kyle before the membership expired.

One year Payment and Black Friday Deal Every Year

For the past couple of years, Wealthy Affiliate has been offering lower annual price for their premium membership. From $49 a month we can get $359 for a year if we pay annually and $299 if we take the Black Friday deal.

For those who wants to commit with Wealthy Affiliate this is a great deal. It is even better that once we use the Black Friday deal, our membership fee will not change back to regular annual fee, as long as we keep paying.

For monthly membership, we need to pay 12 x $49 = $588 for the whole year. We can save around $229 for yearly or $289 with Black Friday deal.

Some people wait for this opportunity on Black Friday before starting to upgrade. If we recently upgrade for monthly membership, and then we want to take the Black Friday deal, we just need to pay the rest of fee ($299-$49=$250) and they will put us on yearly.

But, if we already upgraded our membership for yearly recently, we need to pay full $299 and this will extend our membership duration, adding another year after the end of our first yearly payment. Black Friday deal is just 4 day deal and we need to upgrade within those days. Some said that Wealthy Affiliate can extend the offer for another 7 days.

Should we choose to wait for this deal to start upgrading, be careful making double payments using credit card. We still need to take the $19 deal first before the annual fee. The bank usually see the second payment as a problem and will deny to process that. So, use the $19 offer a month before and upgrade yearly on Black Friday.

Wealthy Affiliate always state that the Black Friday offer might not happen again next year. Maybe that’s just a marketing to lure people to upgrade but so far we can be assure that it will happen again. Even if they no longer offer the deal, for those already taken the Black Friday price will never get additional fee should they rise the price later.

>>>>>>>>Claim Your $0 Membership Now.<<<<<<<<<<<<

The Affiliate Program

So finally we got to the second part, the business part, the way we can make money directly from Wealthy Affiliate (WA), the WA AFFILIATE PROGRAM. Generally, WA will teach us how to make money with any other affiliate program like Amazon, but this is from WA itself. Some of you might be asking “what is an affiliate program?”

An affiliate program is the business plan from a company that offers commissions to anybody that helps the company to get a customer. In the case of Wealthy Affiliate, if we could refer someone to join WA and if that person upgrade to premium membership, we will get paid even if we stay as the Starter Member. The commissions will be higher if we also have Premium Membership.

They offer us a lifetime commission. Which means, even if we stay as Starter Member and do nothing, but our referral keeps paying their membership every month, we still get paid. We might still need to access our account from time to time.

We’ll be given an internet link to Wealthy Affiliate website. Whoever join and pay the premium membership using that link we will get paid. There are also several promotional tools that we can use freely like banners that we could place on our website.

Affiliate Bootcamp Training

Is that all? No.

There is also an Affiliate Bootcamp. Essentially, it is a step-by-step training that we could follow, and at the end as the training’s result, we’ll be having our own website that we made ready to promote and get more referrals.

This is an alternative for those who can’t come up with their own niche to build a business. They can promote Wealthy Affiliate to make money.

We don’t have to worry if we’re doing it wrong. Ask the community for free to make sure we’re doing it right. Entering this program is free but as premium member, we’ll be getting full access of the course. The lesson that we could take for free is enough to make things work.

Other Tools to use

Like any affiliate program, they provide us with links and banners that we can put on our website or social media. There is also a built in tracking system to find out the traffic we get via that link, whether it’s a raw or unique click or from our content and PPC conversion tracking for Facebook, Bing and Google Adwords.

We can also see any referrals we get and their conversion rate. There are also some autoresponder messages we can set to help us greet our new referral.  So we don’t need to be steady for 24/7, let the system send them on designated time.

The message can be set for several occasions like:

  • welcome message (upon joining) to user profile
  • Follow up message (Account setup complete within 3 days) to user profile
  • Follow up message (Account not setup within 3 days) to user profile
  • Welcome to Premium message (Monthly) as Private Message, Premium feature only
  • Welcome to Premium message (Yearly), as Private message, Premium feature only

This way, we can direct any member right after certain task, to the next one using link on the message. Maybe the next training, or for them to setup this message for their account. So they don’t need to wait for us unless they give us a follow up question which means we need to write a better message.

Earning Potential

So to summarize our potential income from the affiliate program, as $0 Starter member:

  • $4 for every referral paying their $19 first month premium membership
  • $11.25 for every referral paying their monthly $49 premium membership
  • $87.50 for every premium member paying their membership annually ($359/year)

The commissions for $49 Premium member:

  • $8 for every referral paying their $19 first month premium membership
  • $23.50 for every referral paying their monthly $49 premium membership
  • $175 for every premium member paying their membership annually ($359/year)
  • $1 for every referral setting up their account
  • $1 every time your referral purchase a domain

As we can see that we just need to have several very active referrals so our membership could pay for itself. Don’t forget that we could just stay as Starter member and still get paid. Wait until we’re sure or get more referrals. It’s better if we do not depend on them because who knows what might happen to them.

Once again that this is an international platform, their members are from around the world. These people could be a teenager or even an elderly or just anybody facing totally different problem than us.

As far as I know that there are several countries that WA doesn’t let their people join as Starter Member but they can still join as Premium Member. One of them recently was completely banned to join due to large number of hacking attempt from that country.

Wealthy Affiliate Super Affiliate Conference

Lastly for the affiliate program, we could be invited to WA Super Affiliate Conference if we reach a number of sales within a year period. It’s a 3-4 day gathering where we can interact in person with other successful members and of course the owner themselves. Share our experience from each other and learn the latest news in industry so we can prepare more.

For this, we just need to make 300 sales within a year period, starting from January. Usually on September they tend to lower the number of sales required to 100.

One sale mean one upgrade referral whether it’s a monthly upgrade or yearly. So we just need to have like 300 referrals, assuming they all use yearly membership or 25 referrals, assuming they all use monthly membership for 12 months.

It is also said that one in eight referrals will convert to premium membership. Even if we can’t do it within a year, we can keep adding them for the next year or the one after.

>>>>>>>>Earn Your Commissions Now.<<<<<<<<<<<<

How to start making money with Wealthy Affiliate

There are a lot of ways of how any members from Wealthy Affiliate make money or even become successful. Here is a list of possible ways we can make money using any feature from Wealthy Affiliate.

I haven’t tried any of this yet so I don’t know anything about the success rate but theoretically we can. The last one is the longest way but very sustainable and it can become a full time income while the first one can make us money sooner and the cheapest way but not very sustainable for the long run.

Sharing Contents from Wealthy Affiliate Public Blog and Training

We don’t need to create or write any content, we don’t even need to have a website. What we need is just to read and learn from other members. Any members are encouraged to write and share their success stories, methods, or any knowledge and post them on Wealthy Affiliate Public Blog.

Everything posted on public blog can be used by any members even though they are not the author to share and get referrals. There is a feature where we can put our affiliate number to the URL and if anybody click that content link with our affiliate number and join Wealthy Affiliate, they will become our referrals.

We can share this link on social media account, except on Google Plus. Whenever there is a person asking a question, if we can find the answer on public blog, we can share to them. If they click on it and join, we will get referrals.

All we need to do is just read and collect information from the public blog. We don’t actually need to sell about Wealthy Affiliate. Just tell people that in order to read, they just need to sign up for free. We will earn once they upgrade their membership, assuming they will.

Another way is to share them on other free blogging platform. Since we are not allowed to use any affiliate link on WordPress.com and we can’t keep our free website from Wealthy Affiliate for free forever, maybe we can use those links on Bloggers.

This method is good if we don’t have any money right away to upgrade. The key is to be knowledgeable about content on Wealthy Affiliate and this could be used as investment for other method that I will describe next.

Freelance Writing for Sponsor

This is also a way to make money first and learn about writing content. Some members with more than one website usually outsource their writing from freelance writing platform. So instead of trying to build our website first, we become part of their team to build theirs.

We can learn from our sponsor about how to write, how to use keyword, where we do research, etc. After that, if we can write good enough maybe they can pay based on number of words per article.

Think of it like an internship for a company. We can also learn about their strategy, their planning and how they work as a team.

Not everybody do the outsource so we need to ask them first. So from whom we join Wealthy Affiliate can be different. There is no reason for any sponsor not to help their referrals because this can help them either way.

They are going to spend some money anyway on freelancer or they can help their referrals and hopefully the referrals can keep paying membership and the sponsor will get paid back. If not, they already get a writing which can help them get some traffic for their website.

Earn Money from Credit System

As I mentioned earlier that by using Site Comments and Site Feedback features, we can earn credits and once we have enough, we can convert them into money. In order to do that we need to upgrade our membership but we just need money for the first month, for $19 not $49.

In one month, just make 300 comments, like 10 comments a day. Here is the math. First we need to be a Certified Commenter first by offering at least 50 comments with 80% minimum approval rate or 20% maximum skip rate.

Every other approved comments we will earn 1 Cash Credit ($0.5). So if we can make 300 comments, 50 first comments just to be certified and from 250 approved comments we can get $62.50 for a month. That is more than enough for next month membership and we can save the rest for upgrading yearly.

If we only want to cover the monthly membership fee, we actually just need 250 comments per month or 8-9 comments per day. Even if we can’t do this everyday, we can still make some money from doing so.

For all that, we just need is to spend an hour a day. Read people’s post on their website and make a thoughtful comment. There are several things we can give our input about regarding the website like:

  • Questions on the topic or Overall Article
  • Discussion about the topic
  • Offer Experience with the topic
  • Opinion about the topic

We have to remember that this comment is based on request by the owner of website to give them insight about something. Not just anyone can say anything completely unrelated.

Just because this become our daily thing, we can just comment the same thing for all of the websites. Don’t forget that they can still reject our input and in order to make money we can’t have more than 20% of getting skipped.

The main goal is not for us to make money but to help the website owner by engaging them with a question or further explanation related to the topics.

Eventually this can help the owner to add more content or even we can add for them too using our comment.

The Ambassador Program

This is also a way to make money with Wealthy Affiliate using the Ambassador program. As I mentioned before that the Ambassadors are the top twenty people who actively help or contribute within the community, based on their rank.

Anybody can be part of the ambassador as long as we can boost our rank. We need a certain amount of days to maintain our ambassador status before we can get some incentives.

In order to boost our rank to become the ambassador, we can tackle the two aspects of ranking system, as a Helper or Creator. Here is a list of how we can be a better helper:

  • Go through unanswered posts and offer a hand. But only if we have at least partial of answer. Not just responding without helping at all
  • Help people with questions in Live Chat
  • Go through unanswered question on comment
  • Another way is to boost our Creator rank. Here is what we can do to boost creator rank.
  • Blog post. About our success stories, journey on building online business, or our online life.
  • Training. We need at least three months as premium member before we can create a training. Training usually a step by step tutorial on how to do things.
  • Ask question. Asking a question doesn’t always mean because we don’t know the answer but because we want to create a discussion.

The volume of contents doesn’t really matter but the engagement with readers and people who give comment are. So we just need one meaningful post or training that can add value, not repeating the same content that already exist within the community. How other members share our content, or give like is what determine how important our content is to the community.

There is a side perks on creating a training. If we can promote or share that training to people outside Wealthy Affiliate, we can get monthly revenue. So, as a helper we can only make money from the Ambassadorship but as creator there are other perks, not to mention, getting referrals like the first method suggest.

This is actually not a really good way to make money as we are going to compete with other members. Once there are twenty people with better rank, we will lose the incentive. Nevertheless, this is a way to make money with Wealthy Affiliate.

Affiliate Bootcamp Website

If the goal is how to make money with Wealthy Affiliate, then the next method we can use is to follow the Affiliate Bootcamp training. This training will help us develop our website to promote Wealthy Affiliate so we can get more referrals.

The downside of this method is that we will have a lot of competitions with other members promoting the same thing. Which means, if we can’t do it better than the others, we probably have less success if not impossible.

This requires more time to make money than the previous methods but, since it is a website it will run 24/7 as long as we pay for domain and hosting or use what the paid membership offers. Unlike sharing and comment system, once we stop doing them, we stop getting any result but this one, theoretically we can still make money even while we are sleeping.

Another thing is that we don’t actually have anything unique to offer compared to our competition. People who had succeeded with this method, usually write a review about other money making program and the content usually the same, saying that Wealthy Affiliate is a better program to make money online.

Once again this method is not impossible as I recently noticed one member succeeded and even make it to the Super Conference in one or two years. But it requires really hard work like writing everyday and share them on social medias.

Some older members suggest that we should not take this path but instead choose the method that I will explain next. In the next method, we first make money from other affiliate programs first using a different niche. This way, we will have something unique, our real experience how we make money by using the method from Wealthy Affiliate.

This way, we won’t get frustrated by not making any result from our Wealthy Affiliate website. The reason for this frustration is that we will see other people sharing some success within Wealthy Affiliate member dashboard. We will begin to compare ourselves with others and usually this will discourage us to continue.

Usually people who choose the Affiliate Bootcamp training is because they can’t come up with their own niche, which means that this is not what they are passionate about, not their hobby or interest. On the other hand, we need to be patient as this will need like at least a year to succeed and we need to wait before we are actually making money.

People are also usually tempted with the high paying affiliate program that Wealthy Affiliate offer. Fifty percent is very big and not to mention recurring payment. If we compare that with other program like Amazon, maybe we can get like 10% but that’s even for low ticket product.

Once again that this method is not impossible but unless we have more patient, we should try the next method. Building website based on what we love about.

Online Entrepreneur Certification

As I mentioned before that this is probably the longest route to make money with Wealthy Affiliate but more sustainable. As we build our business first with other affiliate programs which then we use that experience to sell Wealthy Affiliate.

The good thing is that we probably already made more than enough money without even need to make some with Wealthy Affiliate themselves. It’s just like a bonus, maybe just to make the membership pay for itself. Maybe instead of making a website to sell Wealthy Affiliate, we can start another website with different niche and get more income.

By making our own website with different niche than the Affiliate Bootcamp, we can sell Wealthy Affiliate by saying “I’ve made this much money from my website, if you want to do the same, learn from me.” While others would only say “Check this guy, he made a lot of money using this method.” which anyone can just do the same.

We don’t even need to make a separate website. On our niche website we can just put an add and say “Want to make website like this and get income?” with link to join Wealthy Affiliate.

It’s true that people doesn’t always need the first hand knowledge but if we have one, it will be more powerful and convincing than the others. We have something unique to tell, a real proof that Wealthy Affiliate works.

This method requires a lot more time and money than other methods. Depending on the niche, maybe we need more than one year. The reason for this is some niches are more for a hobby not a daily need which most people will wait for the right time to buy, usually on holiday like between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

If we can build enough contents before the holiday season, usually we can see results right away. Otherwise, we might have to wait for the next holiday season or maybe next year.

Other ways to make money outside Wealthy Affiliate, but still using their features

If we become a premium member, we can use all of the features not only to build our website but also to help others to build them. Clearly not everybody can spare some time to build their online business. We can use the premium member benefit to offer a service of building and maintaining a website.

Of course we need to understand first of how it works. We can charge several hundred dollars to setup a website and the initial content and additional charge for every content we create for them. Usually we can charge based on the number of words.

Basically it’s like being the freelance writer method that I mentioned earlier only this time we do it not for our sponsor but for people outside Wealthy Affiliate.

The website can be about selling our client’s product. If they don’t need a website, the content creation or writing can also be used to sell on platform like eBay or Amazon.

Selling a product on any e-commerce website still require some writing for product description. If we can add value on how to use a product and not just copying and pasting facts like how Wealthy Affiliate teaches us to, we can make a better sale than the competition.

There are a lot of people with products but they don’t know how or don’t have the time to promote. We can be their IT and marketing personal for them. Maybe we can charge monthly.

The best way to do this is to setup our website first that offers a service for creating website or writing. At least we can show them that as an example of what we can do for client. A portfolio website showing any writing we’ve ever done and the result it can deliver.

So, that’s all the methods I can think of right now. Wealthy Affiliate is a growing platform and they will keep adding more features that we might be able to use to make money. I will keep adding this if they offer a new one.

>>>>>>>>Start Making Money Now.<<<<<<<<<<<<

Can anybody use Wealthy Affiliate?

As far as I know, there is no age restriction to join but we are going to need a Paypal account or credit card to make payments. We can get our Starter membership without submitting any credit card.

There are several countries that WA doesn’t allow their people to join as Starter Member but they can still join with Premium Membership and get full benefit. These countries are Bangladesh, Egypt, India, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines and Vietnam.

As long as they’re willing to learn, any member can get benefit from WA. I recently noticed one retired folk successfully make his pension website as number one on Google search result. I’m sure that he’s not the only one.

Hopefully this could motivate the other that even an elder could succeed here. They said that the youngest member to join and build website was 8 years old and the oldest one was 97.

I have to admit that the website can be overwhelming. Once we enter our account, we’ll be seeing a lot of icons, menus, features that can be confusing. We just need sometime to get used to it.

They recently launched a new user interface in 2018. It is a lot simpler than previous interface. I do find it a lot better but still can be overwhelming.

With the amount of work and activities we can do to build our website here, this upgrade with the interface and user experience means that Wealthy Affiliate is really care about their members. If we want to summarize what we can do here:

  • writing content
  • research for keywords
  • socialize, commenting, sharing, posting
  • learning, reading, watch video of webinar and tutorial
  • build and manage website and domain
  • manage membership, payment and affiliate program

Here are some success stories from different kind of people that has been using and successful with Wealthy Affiliate. Hopefully I can add more.

The Bad News – Can We Succeed in Wealthy Affiliate?

It seems that this Wealthy Affiliate thing is so great. Like too good to be true. It’s not. Nothing’s perfect. Especially if our main goal is to make money, even more, fast, like it will occur overnight. Well it won’t.

Wealthy Affiliate didn’t make any promises about making people rich fast. They only said that what they offer could be a potential income opportunity maybe a way to make extra income, or even to become full time business. It’s a change from doing what the other wants, like for our bosses, to doing what we like or love. Writing about what we’re so passionate about, posting it on our website, and get money.

Sounds so simple? Maybe. Simple it might be but it wasn’t easy. There are some important advice that I learn from those that have succeeded here.

Take an action. It’s a common thing trying to find the best way to do something. None of them would matter unless we take an action and try to use it.

We ended up just collecting information. Those so called “best” article might in fact be an obstacle for us to do something.

They love to say that we will fail unless we follow their suggestion. if they suggest us to buy something which we don’t have any money to spend on, that ended up discouraging.

I don’t know if it’s still there, but I think I found such marketing move from Wealthy Affiliate while they were trying to sell the premium membership. I hate it and that’s why I didn’t stay for long. For me, it’s a bad move but, nevertheless I came back because of what they offer for free.

People hate mistakes but they do make mistakes. By making mistakes we learn how to do it better. Most of the successful people say that when they are looking back to their first post, they feel like it’s an embarrassment, and that they could have done it better.

Why? It’s because they already created a lot more better writings. For some people, they need to experience to know that what they did was a mistake.

The first one might not be the last. We need the first before the next one. A metaphor from fitness, we are going to do the first one before the repetition.
It’s important to avoid making mistake, but the more important thing is to know how to turn it around.

Hard work. They need to do it consistently. Some of them write and post every two weeks, every week, or even every day.

Some of them did it in a group of people, or even have to hire someone else due to language problem, or spend like 30 hours a week. So it’s almost as hard as regular job but what do they say?

Hard work pays off.

Eventually they get used to this so they could write and post more frequently. Not every post they made start from a blank page. What they write before or what they learn while writing could be just another post.

In fact, our real life experience could be part of the content. This is why we need to choose our passion, sharing what we’ve done as part of the content.

After that, it’s like the pressure is off. They could post less frequent. Some of them even make money without making any post again or even access the web.

So in a way this could be an investment.

Patient. How long until we make money from Wealthy Affiliate? That is the question asked by almost everybody.

It depends. They say that even Google needs like a month before it could rank our website on the search result. After that, we still need to keep updating consistently with content.

This could mean that even if we publish like one post every week, a whole year might only give us traffic. Maybe a few dollars. Another year before it can be our income.

Let’s take it as the worst case. They say that doing more frequently could help get a better result.

The way I see it is that we are building a trust for the readers. By adding content consistently eventually could make them want to visit back our website or our post.

Right now, we must already have a few websites that we consistently come back to, right? I mean like website about smartphone, movie review, maybe gossip about celebrity, or even politics.

Think of it like building a house or an office building. We first need to build the foundation, maybe dig a few levels underground before constructing a skyscraper.

Nobody cares about the foundation. What they care is the upper floor that can become a shop, a restaurant, an office, or even homes and those are the ones that will generate the income.

The construction could take several years but a non-stop year of income to follow.

It’s a long-haul.

That’s why it has to be about the things that we love. If we really up for it, the sooner the better. Especially those looking for a new job replacement or income.

Willing to try. Especially something new. People are afraid of anything that they don’t understand. Something new could be subjective.

For me, creating a blog is new world maybe not for other people. By willing to try, we open up a lot of possibilities. Sometimes it could be useful, other times we forget about it or we just don’t know how to put it into good use yet.

Start with a small, essential thing. After we finish with that we can ask ourselves, “what is the one thing that could make this better?”. Learn and then try it.

The new things could be the niche, the website, the web design, the content, the media or format. One of the premium member that I know is no longer writing.

I mean, not at all but he mostly doing it by podcast every week. He doesn’t need to write anything other than adding little description about the current podcast.

He can do an interview with someone and talk about his website, book, product, answering the listener live and he loves it. He’s been a member since 2007 but started the podcast since 2015.

So by willing to try, people might be able to find another way to replace what they hate. So if writing is a problem then we can try by making video or with images.

Focus. Many beginners usually get easily distracted in what they are doing because there is no sign of results. Once there is new shiny product that promise them to get rich overnight, they left and start doing that.

The new product doesn’t necessarily mean not related to Wealthy Affiliate. For example, instead of creating content for selected niche, they come up with another niche. The advice would be to focus on developing one website until it could generate a good traffic or maybe income before moving to the next niche idea.

For someone like me, unable to do multitask, even while writing a post, I could be distracted about my next post from the same niche. I do believe that some people might be able to do that but we shouldn’t try to be that guy.

Know our limits.

So, those are the things we need to keep in mind if we really want to succeed in Wealthy Affiliate. If you expect a shortcut, instant, easy way to be rich quick, just forget about it.

>>>>>>>>Start your SUCCESS now.<<<<<<<<<<<<

My Six Months Journey as Starter Member

Turns out, we cannot keep using SiteRubix free website as a starter member. After six months since I launched the website, Wealthy Affiliate sent me an email saying that they will delete my website in two weeks.

Being a Starter member is not considered as being serious building your business, even though you keep building your content. They will let me keep my website only if I become a Premium Member.

I heard from many veteran members about people giving up after six months. I thought it is just about them not because there are rules that prevent you to go on building your website using the free platform.

So, if you are wondering if you can be successful as a Starter member by using their free website, just forget about it. As a Premium member, you are allowed to use the free platform (without your domain, just subdomain) and you can be successful with that, but not as Starter member.

I also heard that there is a chance we can contact Kyle, the owner and tell him that we are serious about building our website and maybe he will let us keep it after six months. If you somehow in the same position as me, and want to try that, go ahead. Maybe ask your sponsor as well to help you. But the official rule is against it.

My work didn’t go to waste

For the past six months, I’ve been trying to create contents, limited as it maybe. Only 5 or 6 articles, but each one of them I tried to do my best, including this one.

More than 5,000 words per article. I did try to write one for 1,000 and I’m not satisfied with the result. So, now, they are gone?

No. We can always back it up before they erase the free website. After that, I can publish it again to my new website (this one).

Maybe some of you can do way better than me and even get to page one of Google search result, get a lot of traffic. If that is the case, yes, we are going to lose the traffic and need to start over, wait to be recognized again by Google.

But still, we are not going to lose everything. Not to mention, the knowledge we already have while trying to create those contents.

Besides, there are a lot of tutorial about moving from a website to another without losing too much traffic. Maybe you don’t even need to worry if you can afford the membership fee.

Nevertheless, I can still be a starter member even if I can’t keep building my website here. There are a lot of information in Wealthy Affiliate that we can actually access as Starter member, not as official training.

There are people sharing their success or methods, using their blog posts or training that any Starter member can access. Some of them even recreating parts the official training for premium member.

Not to mention their Bootcamp website usually contains some training and tutorial as well.

We just need to look for them. But, it’s basically like searching on Google with way worse search engine.

Find some veteran members that you know really sharing detailed experience in blogging.

As I mentioned above that we can learn and share the contents from public blogs and make money. We can still share these success stories with our social media or other free blogging platform or our own website on local hosting for cheaper price.

I recommend you to follow Nathaniell, expert member since 2010. You can read my writing about him here. Another one is Robert Prescott (boomerg08), you can also read about him here.

I learn a lot about social media marketing from him (this is part of the official training for premium member). Usually I tend to seek one of the Ambassadors, even though it is not a guarantee of their level of success but they are more likely to help.

Why it is hard to find bad reviews for Wealthy Affiliate

Have you ever tried to find bad reviews? Did you find any? I bet that it is hard if not impossible. Even I found one or two complaints or bad experience with them.

For one thing, that is exactly what they are going to teach us about. How to be on top of Google page one search result.

Each page only contains 10 results which means with hundred thousands of active members, which every one of them creating “Wealthy Affiliate Review” they are at least going to fill a couple pages. And if they do so they are going to promote them, not exactly write something bad about it.

On the other hand, if anybody want to compete with that, they need to make the same effort with writing a lot of and longer contents. Which, if they can do it, there is a chance that they will be successful. Instead of discrediting Wealthy Affiliate, they are actually proving that it works.

Some people can actually write longer than this article. This is just me as a Starter Member. There are a lot more to write about as Premium Member. So if anybody wants to write about Wealthy Affiliate Scam, they need to do a better job.

So are they biased? Maybe you are asking a wrong person.

There are members who have been a member since before 2010 and still very active. There are also some new one, like me, can even write this kind of article.

Since anybody can write about anything, I need some time to know about the member before I can trust them. That is also what happen within Wealthy Affiliate.

Some people can post something useless yet very often. We even need to turn off notification since it can become distractions.

On the other hand, there are also some who really share their experience. Their ups and downs, their number of traffic, income.

The only way to know for sure is to try it yourself since we can do it for free. Use the first 7 day to try every premium member benefit can have as I described here.

Even I haven’t made any money so far and I recommend people not to upgrade their membership unless they know for sure. I even recommend people to join from other expert members and not using any link from here.

You can read more about me here and why I’m doing so. Wealthy Affiliate is my first attempt to build a website. My goal here is to learn and try to put it together as an article.

Maybe not the best example but this is what anybody will do with Wealthy Affiliate. Write a content that can be helpful info for others to generate traffic which can be convert into money.

Sometimes we need to write a very long content try to answer any follow up question. Long term, hard work and dedication.

This article is what I can learn so far about Wealthy Affiliate. Anything we can do with them and the problem we are going to find with them. Wealthy Affiliate is not perfect and clearly not for everybody.

Hopefully what I shared with you here can give you some help.

Wealthy Affiliate Review – Final Thoughts

Once again, most of the things I said here was my point of view as a Starter Member and the rest were testimonies from other premium members. People might say that I do not qualify to say anything since I don’t even set my account right, let alone being a premium.

I don’t deny the fact that I could make any money from you if you join Wealthy Affiliate using any links from this page. Then again, I do encourage you NOT to be premium and stay as Starter Member until you’re sure.

All I can say is that even if I don’t have any leg, I could still tell other people that to be able to walk will be very helpful. For me, Wealthy Affiliate can be very helpful for anybody.

I do have my personal issues, just like anybody. Right now, I really can’t afford to spend anything here or any other program, so I have to make do with what I have.

In theory, I personally still believe that even without spending, we could still be successful in online industry. Spending the right way can speed things up but it is not the essential. We just need to build content first.

The nature of the world with internet is that there is no such a thing as outdated content. People nowadays use their phone to take picture, any photographer will use their DSLR camera but there are still some people would love to use the analog. People love history.

Therefore, what we do might be nothing for now but it could be something later.

Other issue that I have is more psychological. I have troubles interacting with other people and just recently started to change. The good thing about the internet with search engine is that I really don’t have to actively start engaging other people, although it will be very helpful if we can do it as well.

With that in mind, I think online industry is very promising and Wealthy Affiliate is a very good place to start.

What we can learn from Wealthy Affiliate, we could probably learn it somewhere else. But the complete feature that they offer is one of the best.

If you don’t want to deal with a lot of information using search engine, crawl and try yourself, wondering which one is going to work, just try using Wealthy Affiliate. It’s a whole package for online industry.

I may not be one of the successful yet, but it doesn’t mean that you can’t do better than me. Once again, you don’t have to take my word for it, just check it out for yourself here. It’s completely FREE to try.

No need to use any link from here, find the best member you think you can trust to learn from. Just remember that once you join, you have 7 days to try any Premium Member features for free.

You can use them maybe to send Private Message to the owners, Kyle or Carson. Ask as many question as you want using that 7 days.

Should you want to join using any link from here, you can live a message or contact me here. I don’t use their profile feature for the time being.

Lastly, I’d love to help if you have any other question regarding the Wealthy Affiliate despite my limitations. Please use the comment form below.

Mark M.

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