FaucetSpin.com Review

Some cryptocurrency faucets only offer one currency to earn while others can offer multiple coins. If they do offer multiple coins, it can either be a single faucet or multiple separate faucets.

Sometimes we need to choose and claim only once within the interval time. There are a few of them that allows us to claim all of the faucets one after the other.

It’s is nice to have flexibility with multiple currency. We can claim all or choose from any of the supported coins.

While offering multiple coins can attract different audience, managing them can be a challenge for the owner. The owner may need to keep the supply to all of the coins while dealing with the volatile value of each coin.

This next one, FaucetSpin.com does offer several cryptocurrencies. Each of them even offer different value for the reward per claim and with different interval time.

So, who is this FaucetSpin.com? Is FaucetSpin.com legit or scam? How can we earn from them and how do we get paid? What are the cryptocurrencies that we can earn from them?

Those are probably just a few questions that came to mind after hearing about the program. Well, in this article, I’m going to share with you my FaucetSpin.com review based on my experience on using their platform and what I can find from the internet.

Hope this helps. Is FaucetSpin.com going to be the best cryptocurrency faucet out there?

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Website: faucetspin.com
Type: Cryptocurrency Faucet (60 minutes, Multi Coins)
Feature: PTC, Advertise
Referral Commission: 20%
Payment Method: FaucetPay.io
Started Since: February 2021
Last Payment: November 2021

News and Update

December 2021. Apparently, I can no longer find this faucet on the faucet list of FaucetPay.io. It seems that their entry has disappeared.

Because of that we cannot expect any payment from them. I think that is the end for them. The reward is too generous.

For now, I changed the status for this to NOT PAYING. I will keep checking until the end of the month and if they come back, I may switch the status again but I doubt it.

About FaucetSpin.com

Like most cryptocurrency faucet program, FaucetSpin.com does not share any info regarding the owner. There is not even some contact info or social media accounts at this point.

The only way to contact them is by using the CONTACT page. They also have a NEWS section for posting any update related to the platforms like more features and if they run into problems.

There is also a HOW TO page, which is a guide from how to create a cryptocurrency wallet, how to use the platform to how do we get paid from them. Also, they have FAQ page which is mostly about payment or account.

We can use this link to create account with FaucetSpin.com. Just enter the username, password and email address. After registration, we also need to confirm the email address by clicking on the link that they will send afterwards.

It is recommended to use a valid email address like from Google. We will not be able to change it later.

Cryptocurrency Faucet

Cryptocurrency faucet is the main feature of FaucetSpin.com. From a cryptocurrency faucet, anybody can earn money, usually in cryptocurrency, for doing almost nothing.

The least we should do to earn the money is just a click of a button. Most of these kind of programs nowadays will require more. We need to click and view some ads, visit and going through some webpages, and solve some captcha systems.

The amount of money we can earn from a cryptocurrency faucet usually is not that much, considering how easy and little the effort is. However, some of them allow us to repeat the process and let us claim over and over again after waiting for a period of time.

Overtime, with multiple claims and from multiple different cryptocurrency faucet programs, those pennies can eventually become very big. Combined with the chance of increasing value of the cryptocurrency, people can earn a lot from this type of programs.

In the case of FaucetSpin.com, they offer multiple faucets with 4 different cryptocurrencies. Each of them offers different value and waiting time. The cryptocurrencies that we can earn from FaucetSpin.com are BTC, BCH, ETH and LTC.

We can consider each of them as stand alone separate faucets. The earnings will be collected separately as well with currently no way to exchange.

Later, after we have reached the minimum amount, we can request a withdrawal. They will send the coin via FaucetPay.io, a micro wallet service.

How does it work?

After we sign in to our FaucetSpin.com account, we will immediately enter the main faucet page as shown by the previous picture. This is a page for their Bitcoin faucet only.

There are links for the other coins that we can access by clicking on the left navigation widget menus. Regardless of the cryptocurrency, the claiming process is the same.

As we can see, in the middle part on that page, there is a captcha system from Google. We simply need to solve it, gain a green check mark. After that, we can scroll down on that page and there will be a gray button that says NEXT.

We can click on it to proceed. This will bring us to a page as shown by the next picture below. The page has another captcha system or an antibot that we also need to solve.

To solve it, we need to answer that simple math equation. We can enter the number in the field below the question and click on the CLAIM button to proceed.

The page will reload and we can see a result of that claim as shown by the second picture below. There is a green announcement that says that we have successfully claimed 5 satoshi.

It continues with saying that we can repeat the process after 60 minutes or we can try claiming the other coins. If we click on the FAUCET menu at the top to refresh the page, we can see a timer as shown by the third picture below.

Until the timer is done we need to wait before we can access that claiming page again. If we leave that page with the countdown open, the page will automatically reload after the countdown.

Then, we can repeat the process to earn more. That is actually it with the process to claim from the faucet of FaucetSpin.com.

As the result page said that we can claim the other coins while waiting with the same process.

Earning Rate and Comparisons

All 4 faucets from FaucetSpin.com will offer different coins with different value and timer. Here are the details of each faucet at the moment.

BTC: 5 satoshi (60 minutes)
BCH: 5 satoshi of BCH (5 minutes)
ETH: 5 satoshi of ETH (5 minutes)
LTC: 50 satoshi of LTC (5 minutes)

In the past they have changed the reward manually. It is possible that they may change it again in the future, depending on the price of each coin and other factors.

Based on the current price of each coin, here are the rewards in USD value.

BTC: 0.00284 USD per 60 minutes.
BCH: 0.00003 USD per 5 minutes or 0.00036 USD per 60 minutes.
ETH: 0.000177 USD per 5 minutes or 0.0021 USD per 60 minutes.
LTC: 0.00009 USD per 5 minutes or 0.00108 USD per 60 minutes.

That means, in an hour, since we can claim all of them separately, the total earning rate can be 0.00638 USD or about 11 satoshi of BTC. That is 1 claim from BTC faucet and 12 claims from each altcoin faucet.

The daily rate would be about 0.15 USD. That is if we are willing to do it 24 times more.

The question is, is that a good earning rate? One way to find out is by making a simple comparisons to other similar program. In this case, other cryptocurrency faucet program.

Here are what I have tried so far. This is based on when BTC value is about 56k USD per coin.

Freebitco.in, usually as my standard for good earning faucet, can give us like about 4 satoshi ($0.0023) at this time per claim every hour as the base reward which is what we will get most of the time. There is a chance to get higher rewards per claim from this.

That is just slightly lower than one BTC faucet claim from FaucetSpin.com but with higher possible rewards.

Cointiply.com, now the faucet can only give us 2 claims per day. For me right now about 20 coins a day and with 100 coins equals to $0.01 means $0.002 per day, or about 3.5 satoshi of BTC. One BTC faucet claim from FaucetSpin.com can give higher reward than this for a day.

ClaimFreeCoins.io, a 5 minute faucet can offer like 0.0015 DOGE ($0.00035) per claim. That one claim is twice as much as one claim from the ETH faucet of FaucetSpin.com.

Free-Litecoin.com and their group, each as hourly faucet can give altcoins about 409 litoshi ($0.00075) at this time as the base prize. With just the BTC faucet from FaucetSpin.com can give almost 4 times higher than this.

DailyFreeBits.com, also can give constant amount but only 1 satoshi (0.00056 USD) every hour at this moment. The BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com can give like 5 times higher than this.

BestChange.com, has a faucet feature, give at least 1 satoshi (0.00056 USD) in per hour. The BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com can give like 5 times higher than this.

DigiTask.ru, a 1 minute faucet and no limit can give random amount per claim, currently about 0.00167 DOGE ($0.0004) at least. With 7 or 8 claims from this in an hour, we already get higher than the BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com.

FireFaucet.win, an auto faucet, at this time, with maximum bonus, can give like 0.88 satoshi per hour ($0.0005). We can get 5 times higher just from the BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com in an hour.

QweroFaucet.com, an hour faucet, offers like just 1 Bitcoin satoshi per hour. We can get higher but it is almost impossible to achieve. FaucetSpin.com and most of other faucet programs can offer higher than this.

FreeDGB.com, an hour faucet, can give us like 0.004 DGB or about $0.0002 per claim. That is slightly higher than one ETH faucet claim from FaucetSpin.com.

ES Faucet, another lump sum claim faucet, which we can earn from 30 minutes, offering 13 different coins, can give like 0.264 satoshi ($0.00015) after waiting for 30 minutes per faucet as the base prize only.

If we are willing to claim all 13 coins from this twice for each, the total reward can be higher than an hourly rate from just the BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com.

TopTap.website, an auto faucet, could offer like 0.0235 DOGE ($0.0056) per day. With 2 claims just from the BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com and we already get about the same reward as this in a day.

FreeBitcoin.io, an hourly faucet, can offer like 1 satoshi ($0.00056) per hour or up to 24 per day. We can get 5 times higher than this just from the BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com.

FaucetHub.top and their group offers like 0.0042 DOGE ($0.001) per claim per 10 minutes or about 0.024 DOGE per hour. In an hour, with 6 claims from this we can get almost the same reward as all claims from all faucets of FaucetSpin.com.

Fautsy.com, a 6 minute faucet can offer like 1 satoshi per claim or 5 satoshi per hour. That is about the same reward as the BTC faucet from FaucetSpin.com.

Yannik.biz, another lump sum faucet, offers like 2 satoshi of BTC after 10 minutes waiting, without the bonus. With 6 claims from this in an hour and we already get higher reward than all faucets from FaucetSpin.com.

AltHub.club, a 30 minute faucet, can give us like 5 ALTH per claim or about 0.00113 DOGE per claim ($0.00027). With 1 BTC faucet claim from FaucetSpin.com in an hour and we already get 5 times higher than this.

GetZEN.cash, a 20 hour faucet can give like less than $0.0004 per claim as the base reward. One BTC faucet claim from FaucetSpin.com and we already get 7 times higher than this for a day.

FaucetCrypto.com, a 25 minute faucet, offers like 17.5 coin per claim or about 1.2 satoshi at this time ($0.0007). That makes the hourly rate as 0.00168 USD which is about half the reward from BTC faucet of FaucetSpin.com.

DogeMate.com, an hour faucet and we can claim like 20 coins (about $0.0002) per claim as the minimum. That is slightly higher reward than one claim from the ETH faucet of FaucetSpin.com.

CoinMoster.pw, a 15 minute faucet can offer like $0.000036 per hour or $0.000864 per day. We can get 3 times higher from just 1 BTC faucet claim on FaucetSpin.com than this for a day.

CoinBid.ro, and their group can offer like 0.000627 DOGE ($0.00015) per claim and we can claim once per 5 minutes per faucet. That is slightly lower than the reward from ETH faucet on FaucetSpin.com.

StakeCube.net, a 24 hour faucet offers multiple coins. If we claim all of them, we can get about $0.0018 or currently about 3.1 satoshi. With one claim from just the BTC faucet from FaucetSpin.com and we can get 1.5 times higher than this in a day.

PipeFlare.io, a daily faucet, where we can earn about 0.00000496 ZEC ($0.0007) per day. With one claim from just the BTC faucet from FaucetSpin.com and we can get 4 times higher than this in a day.

TimeForBitco.in, a 5 minute lump sum faucet can give us like 0.73 satoshi ($0.0004) per claim. That is higher reward than any of the altcoin faucets from FaucetSpin.com and can be higher than the hourly rate of the Bitcoin faucet.

CRINF.net, as a 5 minute faucet can give us 162 litoshi ($0.0003) per claim. That is higher reward than any of the altcoin faucets from FaucetSpin.com and can be higher than the hourly rate of the Bitcoin faucet.

SimpleBits.io, a 30 minute faucet can give us like at least 5 tokens per claim ($0.0005). With one Bitcoin faucet claim from FaucetSpin.com is 3 times higher than an hour from this,

ClaimClicks.com, a 5 minute faucet, can give us like $0.0003 per claim up to 20 times a day per faucet. That is higher reward than any of the altcoin faucets from FaucetSpin.com and can be higher than the hourly rate of the Bitcoin faucet.

FaucetCoins.org, an auto faucet can give us like $0.01546 per day. With 6 claims from the Bitcoin faucet only from FaucetSpin.com and we can get higher daily rate than this.

FreeCoinBonus.co, a 30 minute faucet can give us 200 satoshi of LTC (about 0.00037 USD) per claim. With 4 claims from the Litecoin faucet on FaucetSpin.com and we can get about the same reward as this.

CoinPayU.com, offers 3 60-minute faucets that can give us about 0.0007 USD per claim. That means, 3 faucets from this in an hour is still lower than the Bitcoin faucet from FaucetSpin.com.

CryptoWin.io, a 15 minute faucet can offer between 1 to 5 satoshi per claim (currently, at least 0.00056 USD). In an hour the lowest one from this can be higher than just the Bitcoin faucet from FaucetSpin.com.

U24.co is currently a 45 minute faucet from which we can earn about 0.6 satoshi of Bitcoin at least per claim. That makes the hourly rate as 0.8 satoshi per hour (0.00045 USD). That is almost twice as much as the Bitcoin faucet from FaucetSpin.com.

Snails.racing with 60 minute multiple faucets can give like 0.003 USD per hour with all faucets. That is just half from the potential that we can get from all faucets on FaucetSpin.com.

These are just comparing strictly between the faucet earning rate. There are more things to consider like the claiming process or how easy to withdraw.

Some programs can offer other earning feature or bonus that could make them a better choice. On the other hand, some users might not be able to use those other earning feature and can only rely on faucet.

Comment and Suggestion

I have to admit. Maybe comparing the earning rate with just the Bitcoin faucet from FaucetSpin.com can be a bit unfair. I think we also need to discuss the minimum before we can withdraw.

Each coin has different minimum and the Bitcoin one is probably the highest. If we rely solely on the faucet, we still need like 20,000 claims before we can withdraw. For the altcoins, we probably need only 200 or 1,000 claims.

Based on that, for people who are not willing to wait that long, they may choose to claim the other faucets. Not that they need to choose but that means the comparisons above becomes a bit meaningless.

Clearly that one claim from the BTC is way higher than the rest, even among other faucets. However, if we choose not to claim that one and instead claim the altcoin, the earning rate suddenly become very low. Not the lowest one among other programs, especially if we still go for the ETH.

BCH reward is probably too low while the LTC is decent. At least, for the hourly rate with 12 claims.

The question is, why should we choose? In my opinion, it’s because they offer no other captcha system. We can only deal with Google reCaptcha to solve and get the reward.

If we only claim like once an hour, it may not become a problem. However, this will be a problem when we claim like 5 minutes. Not to mention of we also try to earn from PTC or other programs that only use Google reCaptcha system.

With multiple attempts to solve the captcha within short period of time, Google will likely consider our activity as from a bot. Eventually, we have to wait for awhile before we can repeat the process.

What’s worse is that it will also affect our accessibility to the other programs with only this captcha system. Even if we still can access and solve the captcha, it will get slower.

In theory, we can claim 12 times once every 5 minutes in an hour. That is not going to happen because we will lose time just to load those images for the captcha.

This is also the reason why I’m not a fan of short time faucets. They may offer higher rewards potentially but only if we claim multiple times.

On FaucetSpin.com, it gets worse because the reward is way lower compared to other short timer faucet programs. That leaves us with the Bitcoin faucet where we have to wait even longer before we can withdraw.

For me, if FaucetSpin.com is willing to stick around, keep offering their service, I don’t mind. The problem is that this is still relatively a new program at this point. We don’t know whether they can survive in this business. They can shut down their site while we are still halfway from withdrawing.

That’s the risk we need to consider.

The claiming process is definitely easier compared to other programs. Sometimes there will be pop up ads that we need to deal with.

I did experience another issue. Since this has 2 step captcha, they can put pop up on the second as well. If that window then loads the ads and open a new browser tab to reload the claiming page, I found that solving the second captcha will tend to be failed.

This is no longer happening at the moment but it’s possible to happen again in the future.ย  I can only suggest before starting to solve the first captcha, try to click on the empty parts of the page to trigger the pop up first. It helps but I’m not sure it always works.

It seems that they don’t set the reward based on the dynamic price. They need to adjust the reward manually. This can be a good and bad for both the users and the owner.

The owner may forget to update the reward and users can get higher or lower reward. If the owner happens to offer higher, they may lose their profit and just steps ahead on getting bankrupt. Hopefully that is not going to happen.

Since we also directly claim the coins not just the value in USD, there is a chance that the value can go up with the same amount of coin. This can be bad for the owner. For users, we don’t need to worry about losing value and always withdraw as soon as possible.

One good thing is that they use a countdown timer instead of a static one that we need to keep refreshing the page. Sadly there is no sound notification or such so we won’t immediately claim right away.

Unfortunately there is also no feature to get higher possible reward. Other programs can implement some kind of loyalty bonus so the more we use the program, we can get higher reward.

Again, this is still relatively a new program. Maybe they can add more feature and hopefully to make it a better feature to use long term.

Paid To Click (PTC)

The other earning feature on FaucetSpin.com is the PTC or Paid to Click. The way it works is that we just click on ads, view them for a couple of seconds, probably solve some captchas and earn money.

Some may consider it as a bribe so people would look on the ads. It is like a cryptocurrency faucet but the difference is that these ads come from other members.

Like any PTC program, we can also use it for advertising. So, if we advertise on PTC, we are basically paying other members to view our ads.

Which is why, the available of the ads and thus as the earning option is limited. If there is no other member that is willing to spend their money to advertise, we will see no content on PTC and can earn nothing from it.

Most of the time, the advertisers need to pay for a number of views or clicks right upfront, like 100 views as the minimum. This can mean 100 views by multiple different users within a day or 100 views to a the same user once each day.

So, it is possible that we can earn multiple times from the same ads, assuming the advertiser still have some credits left. Advertiser can also rerun their campaign from which we can earn more.

Currently, there is only one type of PTC ads on FaucetSpin.com. Like the faucet feature, we can earn the 4 different cryptocurrencies.

The process both to advertise or earn are the same. It’s just that for advertiser, they need to create a separate campaign and pay with the corresponding currencies.

How to Earn

To earn, after we sign in to FaucetSpin.com account, we need to click on the PTC menu at the top. This will bring us to a page as shown by the previous picture.

As we can see, there is a number right next to the menu that indicates the number of available ads that we can click and earn from. We will immediately see a single ad that shows the title, some description and the reward.

We simply need to click on that green button that says VIEW. The location of this button may vary between ads but almost within that giant box.

If we click on it, it will open a new browser tab to load the ads. The main browser tab will then start the countdown as shown by the next picture.

In this example, I need to wait for 12 seconds. I also need to point out that if we stick on the main page, the countdown will stop. They expect us to view the other browser tab that loaded the ads. We can also see the countdown on the small browser tab.

After the countdown is done, we can go back to the main tab and now the page will say FINISHED! with a captcha system. We simply need to solve that captcha, get the check mark and click on the SUBMIT button to proceed.

As shown by the third picture below, the page will then say that the reward has been credited to our account. After 5 seconds, the page will reload and if there is another ads, they will load it and we can repeat the process to earn from it too.

However, this is only for the ads that gives Bitcoin as the reward. There may be ads that gives the other coins. The page will not automatically continue with those ads.

Instead, we can click on the left navigation widget. There is a section that says PTC ADS and right below it, it will show the other coins with a number next to it. This number indicates the number of ads for those coins.

The process remains the same regardless of the currencies. We can also repeat the process and earn from the same ads or currencies the next day, assuming the advertiser still have some credits.

This usually happens around 4.00 (UTC).ย  That is it with how to earn from the PTC feature.


As mentioned before, that the ads in any PTC comes from another members. That means, we can also advertise our own ads so that other member can click and view them to earn.

We will have to pay the advertising fee which some of them will become the reward for the viewer. To access this feature, there is a section from the left side navigation widget that says ADVERTISER.

Here we can see three menus, DEPOSIT, TRANSFER FUNDS and AD MANAGEMENT. Before we can pay for the advertisement, we first need to transfer the funds from the main balance to the ADVERTISING BALANCE.

This only works one way. Once we have transferred, we won’t be able to withdraw it later and can only spend them for advertising. The same goes if we choose to make a deposit. More about the deposit later.

To transfer, we can click on the TRANSFER FUNDS menu and we will see a page as shown by the next picture. We can enter the amount and click on the blue transfer button.

I have not tried it but it seems there is no minimum amount unlike the deposit method. However, there will be a minimum fee to advertise. There is also no way to transfer the funds from one currency to another currency for the advertising.

The currency we are paying with will be the one that the viewer will get for viewing our ads.

How to Advertise

To advertise, we first need to create the campaign. We can click on the AD MANAGEMENT menu. As shown by the next picture, it will be empty for the first time because we haven’t created anything. I assume this is where we can edit the campaign later.

To create the campaign we can click on the menu there that says CREATE. Then, as shown by the second picture, we need to choose which currency we are going to pay the fee with.

This page also shows us the minimum CPM or the minimum cost to start the advertisement. Here are the details at this moment.

BTC: 5,000 satoshi
BCH: 0.008 BCH
ETH: 0.00025 ETH
LTC: 0.00258 LTC

After that, we can see a form to create the ads as shown by the third picture. Here we can enter the name or title of the ads, some description, the URL and the number of clicks or view.

After that we have a choice for the timer. They offer three different set of time, from 15 seconds, 30 seconds or 60 seconds. The longer the timer, the higher the fee.

The minimum cost that I have mentioned above is with the shortest timer and for 1,000 clicks. Here are the details for each currency and each timer set.

15 seconds
BTC: 5 satoshi of BTC (0.00287 USD) per click.
BCH: 80 satoshi of BCH (0.000472 USD) per click.
ETH: 25 satoshi of ETH (0.000874 USD) per click.
LTC: 258 satoshi of LTC (0.00045 USD) per click.

30 seconds
BTC: 10 satoshi of BTC (0.00575 USD) per click.
BCH: 160 satoshi of BCH (0.000945 USD) per click.
ETH: 50 satoshi of ETH (0.00175 USD) per click.
LTC: 516 satoshi of LTC (0.000898 USD) per click.

60 seconds
BTC: 20 satoshi of BTC (0.0115 USD) per click.
BCH: 320 satoshi of BCH (0.00189 USD) per click.
ETH: 100 satoshi of ETH (0.00349 USD) per click.
LTC: 1,032 satoshi of LTC (0.001797 USD) per click.

The page will then calculate the estimated price and we can click on the CREATE ADVERTISEMENT button to proceed.

Earning Rate & Comparisons

At the moment, with Bitcoin value is about about 55,000 USD per coin.

Here is the reward at this moment for the 15 second ads.

BTC: 2 satoshi of BTC(0.00115 USD) per ad.
BCH: 80 satoshi of LTC (0.000189 USD) per ad.
ETH: 10 satoshi of ETH (0.00035 USD) per ad.
LTC: 104 satoshi of LTC (0.000182 USD) per ad.

I haven’t seen other ads with longer timer except for the 30 second ads for Bitcoin. The reward is about double from the 15 second ads so I assume, the other works similarly.

Currently, each day we get like 7 ads for the BTC, and about 3 or 4 for the altcoin ads.

Is that a good rate? Here are some comparisons

Cointiply.com can offer at least 6 coins (0.0006 USD) per ad up to 25 ads per day. The viewing process is not that difficult almost with similar quality to the PTC from FaucetSpin.com.

SimpleBits.io also offers like 6 token (0.0006 USD) per ad but only less than 5 ads per day. We always have to view within 12 seconds. This one has a bit of forcing users to view the ads.

AdBTC.top offers at least 0.04 RUB (0.00052 USD) per ad. We can definitely earn way higher than that with most of their ads. Those are just the lowest type of ads which is similar to the one on FaucetSpin.com.

FaucetCrypto.com can offer like 0.0005 USD per ad up to 20 ads per day. The claiming process is a bit more difficult though. This one is also have the forcing feature.

PTCShare.com, another PTC site can offer at least 0.00049 USD per ads up to 30 ads per business day, depending on our BAP level. I consider this as the one that has the chance to be a sustainable PTC and best for both users and advertisers because the encourage users to advertise.

FireFaucet.win offers about 50 auto claims (0.0004870 USD) per PTC ads with about 10 ads per day. So far, the viewing process will take like 5 seconds.

CoinPayU.com offers more than 30 ads each day in 3 types and each is worth at least 0.0004 USD. Two types of the ads require viewers to stay focus in order to start the countdown.

DogeMate.com also offer PTC with up to 40 ads per day, each worth at least 17.5 coins (0.000175 USD). The reward from this is lower per ads compared to others but almost like surf ads.

CryptoWin.io also has a PTC feature which is now only offer one type of ads, similar to FaucetSpin.com. The reward is about 1 or 2 satoshi per ads (0.00056 or 0.00112 USD) per ad with about 15 ads per day.

Those are just from programs that I have tried and written a review about. I think there are other programs out there that offer even more.

Comment and Suggestion

Based on the current reward from each ad, the earning rate from the PTC feature on FaucetSpin.com is not the lowest. The ones from the BTC has the highest rate among other programs.

I suspect, this is because they don’t use the dynamic price to determine the fee and the reward. In general, the owner just keep the ratio but they didn’t adjust so ads with the same quality but offer different coin can cost a lot more.

This is not necessarily a bad thing to the owner as they will always make money from any advertiser. But maybe it is not going to be fair for the advertisers.

Clearly, if we want to advertise with cheaper price, we should pay with either BCH or LTC. If the quality remains the same, why should we pay more, especially with the BTC.

Moreover, if we make a deposit from outside, we probably have to pay additional fee. Unfortunately there is no option to make deposit from the FaucetPay.io as micro transaction.

I thought that since to withdraw Bitcoin the minimum is higher, they will try to make users spend them instead via the advertisement. While to certain extent it is true for people who doesn’t care about earning any Bitcoin from FaucetSpin.com.

I feel like if they know that they are paying more for the same quality, they may reconsider. Maybe this is also the problem of using Bitcoin as the internal currency. While they can reduce the fee to advertise, they cannot offer less than 1 satoshi as the reward.

I’m not saying they will stop offering Bitcoin, but if they choose to do, it is very reasonable. That means, spending our Bitcoin is probably the best choice because they may just stop before we can withdraw.

While earning by clicking the ads is not a bad idea but should we really advertise here? I don’t see that many new ads currently. It’s like the same campaign but the advertisers bought a lot of credits.

I also don’t know how many active users are there using this platform. Assuming that there are enough users, they are still with more or less the same type of audience.

Most of them are just trying to earn. Maybe some are cryptocurrency enthusiasts. So, if we really want to promote, the best kind would be another online earning programs, similar to FaucetSpin.com.

Even still, I think the quality is not that great. Other programs can offer a forcing mechanism so people will actually pay attention to the ads. They can also offer some targeting or filtering system so only users with specific background may access the ads. That will make better conversion rate.

I also don’t know why it seems that the reset time can be random. The 4.00 UTC is probably true but then I did experience where they also reset it during other times. It can be twice a day. Or maybe it’s 24 hours since the last click? I don’t know.

They are not displaying the ads in framed windows so we don’t need to worry about if some pages cannot be loaded.

I also don’t know why we cannot choose which ads to click and earn from. Usually other programs can even offer a list of ads that we have visited. That would be better for the advertisers. Maybe some viewers just want to revisit the page again. That is not going to happen here.

For some people 1,000 clicks upfront is probably too much to start. While this is typical but maybe there are others that allows us to start with just 1 view or click. Not that it will give a good result but at least it is more flexible.

I also don’t know how much we can edit the campaign because we need to pay a lot. If somehow we cannot change the URL and the program we are promoting is no longer functional, we will have waste our money.

It is recommended to advertise our own page that we can control. Then from that page, we can have links to programs that we are promoting. That way, with the same campaign, we can keep promoting new stuff, add or even remove from the list.

In general, I don’t recommend advertising on any PTC, here or any other platform. I think people can get a good result but it will take a while with a lot of spending.

Some may get a good number of people to sign up using our links but it doesn’t mean they will be an active one. We need to find the one with a good conversion rate that eventually can pay off the advertising fee.

If we really want to advertise on PTC, I think it’s better to just spend on the more active platform like AdBTC.top. With more popular platform, we can get better exposure and result.

We earn from here and use that earnings on other platform. Of course, diversify can be a good thing. However, if the fund is limited, we might want to do it gradually, starting with the more popular one.

Referral / Affiliate Program

There is a way to turn FaucetSpin.com from an active earning program to a passive income source. It is by using the referral feature and getting referral commission.

What we need to do is to invite other people to join the program and let them use the service. In this case, the program is FaucetSpin.com and the service is earning from any of their earning features.

If our referral earns, as the referrer, we will earn commission. The amount is based on some percentage of the referral’s activity.

It is true that is even lower than what we can get by ourselves. However, that is just from one activity of one referral.

The more referrals we have and the more active they use the platform will increase the commission we can get. Moreover, we will earn those commission passively, 24/7 even while we are asleep.

That is the basic idea of any referral or affiliate feature. The question is, can this one from FaucetSpin.com be as good as it sounds?

How does it work?

Like on any online program offering a referral or affiliate commission, each member will get a unique link with their ID attached to it. It is called referral link or reflink and this next one is mine for FaucetSpin.com.


If anybody click on that link and use the program, they will become my referral. And if they earn from any of the earning feature, as the referrer, I will earnย  like 20% commission based on their earnings.

What we need to do is to share the link to anybody online on any platform that we regularly use. The platform can be our social media accounts, forum, group messenger for family and/or friends, email or even website or blog that we own.

Anywhere we can post the link and the public can access it will do. Even Google Docs can work, if we let the file visible.

To find the link, we first need to access the affiliate page by clicking on the menu, either at the top or the left navigation widget that says AFFILIATE. This will bring us to a page as shown by the previous picture.

There is no copy button, so we need to make sure that we share a complete link. Missing even just a character could mean losing a potential income source.

The page will also show some stats about the referral. Unfortunately, they do not provide any other tool to help us promote this program. But the link is the most important one.

How to get (more) referrals?

Well, sharing the link is a must but how exactly? Sharing to the wrong people is like a salesman approaching stranger. People hate that.

If we try to share on our social media, people might get annoyed if they are not interested. Especially if we are spamming, sharing over and over again like multiple times within a day.

We could lose our followers, risking any network we have built. Maybe it’s better to have alternate account specifically just to share this kind of program.

We look for community or other users that we know are interested. Or only when they ask, then we can share with them the link.

A better way might be to share on forums. Not just any forum of course, but related to online money making program, bitcoin, or other cryptocurrencies.

The problem with using any free platform like this is that we are probably not the only one who promote the same program. We have to offer something more than just the referral link like anybody else.

Another thing is that these free platforms have rules that they can suddenly change about promotion and not to mention, shutting down their service entirely. We have to start over our campaign if they delete them.

A better way would be to have our own website. We can share anything not just one program but others with the same, similar or related topics.

Having a website is like having a shop in real life. People can always come back to and find out more programs to use.

Then we can use those free platforms, forum or social media accountsย  just for promotion. A good way to get backlink or generate traffic.

Since it’s an online shop, it will stay open 24/7, no need to wait for us to wake up and can be accessed from everywhere around the world. The best part of having our own place or website is that any search engine like Google will do the promotion work non stop.

And they will show the website as a result to exactly people who are interested in it. They use the search engine to look for it and get the website we build as the result. No need to worry about being annoying salesman.

Those people will access the website, see what we have to offer. Maybe a review like this, other or similar program we use, sharing experience, opinion, views to let people know that we understand this kind of program.

If they are interested, they will become our referrals for any program we promote. Once we have enough referrals for FaucetSpin.com or every programs we promote, we can have passive income even full time income.

That is exactly how people can build their business online. They own a website, fill the website with contents that can help promote a program, and let it work automatically.

If you are interested to know more about how to build a website and turn it into an online business, keep reading. I will share with you later about a training program that anybody can use.

In the meantime, let’s head back to FaucetSpin.com for a little bit.

Comment and Suggestion

At this point I haven’t gotten any referrals for FaucetSpin.com. Because of that, I cannot tell for sure whether the feature is working or not. What I’m about to say is based on my experience with other similar programs and assuming it will work the same way as the others.

First, the 20% commission. It is not bad but other similar program can offer like up to 50%. Of course, there are others that offer less like 5% or not at all.

The page also says that “based on referral’s claim”. Is that mean only if they earn from the faucet or from the PTC as well?

Other programs may even offer different commission rate for their different features. Let’s assume that it works for both and other future features.

For the faucet, if each faucet claim, we can earn 5 satoshi, the referrer will still get 1 satoshi. But what if they changed the reward like less than 5 satoshi per claim? Are we still going to get 1 satoshi like if they round it up? If so, the rate will go higher and the owner will have to pay more.

In this case, the altcoins is not a problem as we will get more than 1 satoshi as commission. However, if the value of the coin keeps going up, it is possible that the owner will have to reduce the reward to the same point as Bitcoin right now.

This is the reason why I’m not a big fan of programs where we can earn Bitcoin. It is practically become useless. In the case of turning it into a passive income, most of the time we will get nothing.

Personally, I prefer altcoins with lower value per coin. At the moment we may get the same value but we still get more coins and over time the value can go up.

It is also bad for any owner as they will not have the flexibility to adjust the reward. Even if they are willing to pay, it doesn’t mean they will not eventually get bankrupt.

Aside from changing the reward, the owner can also simply change the commission rate. If it goes lower than 20%, then even with 5 satoshi per claim, we probably will not get any commission.

The similar thing also applies with their PTC, and other future possible earning feature. Again, that is assuming we will get any commission at all.

However, even if we only get commission from the faucet, having more earning features will give a reason for the referrals or any users to stick around. They have a reason to comeback and keep using the faucet.

PTC is mostly universal that any user can access them. Unlike, let’s say offerwalls which they do not have. Still, with more earning features, users can earn faster and withdraw their earnings.

If any user think that they will never reach the minimum to withdraw, then they will just abandon their account. As referrer, there is no point on having many referrals if they are not willing to use the program.

A good referral feature will rely on the main feature of the platform. At least, this one is not bad with the faucet and they offer different coins.

Using FaucetPay.io is also good as they can withdraw faster. Even though that is not the lowest amount possible.

Another thing we need to consider for building a passive income source from an affiliate program is how likely we can retain our referrals. Obviously, we want to the referrals to keep coming back and generate more commission.

Let’s assume that the referrals are willing. Other programs can still make us lose it. One of them is by not having a proper registration process.

With a proper registration, the referral will be tied to the referrer forever. As long as they keep coming back using the same ID, potentially we can keep getting commission.

Other programs can use just a cryptocurrency wallet address to login instead of email. As people can easily change their wallet address and generate a new one, it is possible that they will come back but using a different one.

If that is the case, those referrals probably are no longer our referrals. They will enter the program without our link as new users. Even if they are actively using the program, we will not get any commission.

Luckily, that is not the case with FaucetSpin.com. They have a proper registration process and the referrals are tied to the referrer.

Of course, there is a chance that the referral is going to sign up with a new account regardless. But that is not the fault of the system.

Because of that, FaucetSpin.com is POTENTIALLY a good program for long term passive income. We just need to keep promoting the program and hopefully we will have enough active referrals to generate commission.

I say potentially because they still need to offer more reason for users to stick around. Otherwise, there are a lot of other similar programs, probably with better options.

I also wish that they can offer some kind of loyalty bonus for being active on the platform. Leveling idea can also work similarly. This will help to maintain their users.

I also wish that they will compensate users if users can bring referrals that will advertise or make deposit on FaucetSpin.com. We are bringing people that will spend their money here. That small compensation will be a great incentive for people to promote the platform.

Sadly, most of the similar programs don’t even offer it. Only programs with PTC as the main feature will use that concept.

Overall, FaucetSpin.com only has the potential to be a good long term passive income source. Unless they are willing to make a lot of improvement, they will not help attract more users, let alone keeping them.

They can start with small features like copy or share button, promotional banners. Then they can slowly add more earning features, improve the referrals, contests, and many other ideas.

Even then, there is no guarantee that we can make a lot of money passively. Referrals will still come and go. Only a small percentage of them will be an active and keep generating. Definitely we cannot just rely on one program.

We need to promote more programs to diversify. I guess that is the beauty of referral feature. We don’t need to be loyal to a single program like their employee.

Promote as many programs as we can and see which of them are working, Because there is a chance that any owner of these programs will just suddenly shut down their business for whatever reasons.

Deposit and Withdraw

So, how does FaucetSpin.com handle payments? How do we get paid and how to make the deposit?

The deposit will go straight to our advertising balance instead of main balance. That means if we make a deposit, the funds can only be spent for advertising.

We cannot use it like a wallet even though the process is similar. There is no way to withdraw them later.

There is also a minimum for the deposit. If we send lower amount than the minimum, they will not be credited to our account. I recommend always checking the deposit page before sending any money as they have the rights to change the minimum anytime.

FaucetSpin.com only accepts deposit from the cryptocurrency’s network or directly from the wallet. Currently no option to make deposit from a micro wallet.

On the other hand, to withdraw, the only option is to get paid via FaucetPay.io, a micro wallet service. Since there is no built in exchange feature, we need to withdraw each coin separately.

We need a wallet address linked to our FaucetPay.io account for each the supported coins. Learn more about how to use FaucetPay.io account from this review.

Each coin also ha its own minimum amount to withdraw. FaucetSpin.com says that they will process the payment within 72 hours after the request.

We can use this link to create account with FaucetPay.io for free.

There was a time when they also offered ExpressCrypto.io as alternative payment method. Currently, it is no longer an active method but it is possible that they may open it again if FaucetPay.io run into another problem.

Learn more about ExpressCrypto.io from this review.

On the top of the page, there is a menu that says HOW. This is actually a guide from how to create a wallet, link the wallet to FaucetPay.io account and how to request a withdraw.

How to Deposit

To make a deposit to FaucetSpin.com, we first need to access the PTC page. Then, from the left navigation widget, under ADVERTISER section, there is a Deposit menu. If we click on that, it will bring us to a page similar to the previous picture.

As we can see that the page will tell us the minimum for each coin. Here is the detail.

Bitcoin: 0.0005 BTC
Bitcoin Cash: 0.005 BCH
Ethereum: 0.004 ETH
Litecoin: 0.02 LTC

To make any deposit for each coin, we have to generate the deposit address by clicking on the corresponding blue button. As shown by the next picture below, the button will be replaced by a wallet address for that coin.

We simply need to send the coin to this address from our wallet. The page also says that the deposit will be credited to our Advertising Balance after one network confirmation.

Remember that there is no exchange feature. So, if we can only advertise with the coin that we deposited.

Again, I haven’t tried it so I don’t know if this actually works or not. Personally, I don’t recommend making any deposit and the minimum is a bit too high.

How to Withdraw

To withdraw the earnings, we first need to access the FAUCET page. From the left navigation widget, we can see a blue bar that says WITHDRAW. If we click on it, it will bring us to a page as shown by the next picture.

From this page, we need to choose which coin we want to withdraw. If we have reached the minimum, we will see a next page similar to the second picture below.

There is a form we can fill in to submit a request. Otherwise, the page will simply say we haven’t reached the minimum. Here are the minimum for each coin.

Bitcoin: 0.001 BTC
Bitcoin Cash: 0.00005 BCH
Ethereum: 0.00005 ETH
Litecoin: 0.0001 LTC

To submit the request, we simply need to enter the linked wallet address and the amount. We can withdraw all of the balance for the coin by using the ALL button or set the amount ourselves.

For the withdrawal method, currently there is only one option and that is FaucetPay.io as the default. So, to proceed, we simply need to click on the green WITHDRAW button.

As shown by the third picture below, after we click that button the page will say that the withdrawal has been requested and they will send the payment after the admin confirms it.

We can also check the TRANSACTION menu from the left navigation widget for the withdrawal history as shown by the 4th picture below. It will have either PENDING status and once they have paid, it will turn into CONFIRMED.

The 5th picture below shows a payment entry on FaucetPay.io account. It will say FAUCETSPIN – MULTICOIN FAUCET. That indicates this program pays.

Based on my experience, I got the payment like within 2 or 3 days after the request.

That is it with how to withdraw coins from FaucetSpin.com.


FaucetSpin.com is a cryptocurrency faucet where we can earn several different cryptocurrencies. We can earn either BTC, BCH, ETH or LTC as separate faucets.

Each of them will give a different value of reward and with different interval time. We don’t need to choose as we can just claim one coin after the other.

Bitcoin will give the highest reward but only once per 60 minutes. The altcoin faucets are significantly lower but we can claim once per 5 minutes. From the 3, Ethereum faucet gives the highest reward and BCH is probably the lowest one.

The claiming process is not that difficult. We simply need to solve 2 captcha systems. The first one is from Google and the second one is answering a simple math equation.

There will be pop up ads along the way. The biggest issue is that they offer no alternative captcha. While we can definitely keep claiming each of the faucets every 5 minutes, but Google will eventually consider our activity as a bot.

This will be problematic if we use other programs that need to solve the same captcha system. Eventually I only use just one faucet or consider it as hourly faucet.

Another problem is that there is no exchange feature. We need to withdraw the earnings for each coin separately and each with different minimum amount.

While Bitcoin gives the best reward, even among other programs in the market, it will take 20,000 claims before we can withdraw. For the others, we can withdraw after like 200 or 1,000 claims. All of them can be done via FaucetPay.io only.

If we choose not to withdraw, they have an option to spend it for advertising via their PTC feature. It will definitely take shorter time than to withdraw Bitcoin.

So, we can also earn from their PTC feature. Like the faucet, each coin will have their own ads. If we only try to collect certain coin, we will have less amount of ads per day.

Bitcoin has the most ads like 7 per day while the other coins only have like 5 or less. The ads will definitely reset each day so we can earn from them again but it seems like it’s not based on the same server reset time. Sometimes it can be twice a day.

To earn from the PTC, it will between 15 to 60 seconds of viewing time and we need to solve another Google captcha before we can earn.

If we want to advertise with this PTC feature, the minimum is 1,000 views or clicks but the quality is probably not the best. There is only one type of ads.

Also, advertising with one coin can be more expensive than with the others for the same quality. We can make a deposit if we want directly from the coin’s wallet but the minimum is also very high.

Alternatively, we just transfer our earnings to the advertising balance. Just keep in mind that we cannot withdraw them later.

While there is no other earning features to actively earn from, they do offer affiliate so we can build it as passive income source. Potentially, it is a good one for long term passive income with proper registration using email address.

The commission is not bad but if they can offer more features, it will help. Sadly, there is no significant reason for users to keep coming back and using this platform.

I guess the biggest issue is the use of cryptocurrency, especially Bitcoin as the internal currency. They will have a hard time adjusting the reward or rates and it seems they need to do it manually.

As mentioned before, we can withdraw the money via FaucetPay.io only and no direct payment to our wallet. On the other hand, if we want to make deposit, currently there is no way from the micro wallet.

The page says that they will process the payment within 72 hours after the request with no extra fee.

Overall, FaucetSpin.com is not a bad one. They just need to make a lot of improvements like more earning features to give users a reason to keep using their platform.

So, if you still consider this as an opportunity for more income source, you can start by creating account with FaucetSpin.com via this link. It’s FREE.

Final Words

As mentioned before that we cannot earn that much from FaucetSpin.com or any similar faucet program. Usually, the key is to use the referral program, get a lot of referrals and let them do the work and we get the commission passively.

There is no need to rely on just referral program from FaucetSpin.com. We can try and promote other referral programs as well. As many as we want.

In order to do that, it’s better to have our own website, promote the program until we can get enough referrals and they can generate income for us.ย This is not only limited to digital product but we can also promote physical product.

Share a link from a marketplace like Amazon, or directly from big brands like Apple, and if people buy something, we can earn some commission. It’s not limited to just tech product but any passion we have from food, travel, sports, movies.

That is how we can have an online business.

If you are interested to learn more about building a website and turn it into a business, even a passive income, there is a training program that you can try.

On this training, not only we can learn about how to, but we can actually set up the website, grow it until it can generate income. We can learn from a lot of experts who were once just like you and me, know almost nothing about online business.

This is an easy training program that even a guy without a college degree can use it. Within two years he started to have a full time income from his website and quit his regular job.

We can even ask the owner the help out directly. Try it. Join the program for FREE and try to reply their first message to you and see if they get back and help you out.

You can learn more about the training from my review here.

We grow the business and website by using affiliate programs just like FaucetSpin.com. Here is my list of other affiliate programs that you can try.

I will keep updating the page and add more programs. So, stay tuned.

Well, that’s all I can share with you about FaucetSpin.com, a cryptocurrency faucet program. Maybe I missed something and you have more question about it, or if you want to add your experience, view, opinion, don’t hesitate to use the comment section below.

Maybe you also have other experience with other similar programs with this, hopefully a better one, you can suggest something as well. I would love to help if I could and learn more about online program.

Hope my reviews can help. Thanks for reading.


Mark M.

2 Replies to “FaucetSpin.com Review”

  1. I’ve been using Faucetspin for a while and I got paid to my Faucetpay account too. Sadly, Faucetspin did something today which isn’t cool. They resetted everyone’s balances to zero and claimed they had to because of some people abusing the system. What they did isn’t right nor cool, they punished everyone using the site for the actions of some bad apples.

    1. Hi, Eugenee. Thanks for stopping by.

      I didn’t know they were still active because I couldn’t find their site on the list of FaucetPay.io and as I said in my article, I stopped getting paid. I thought the earning rate is a bit too high compared to other faucets, which made me think they are not going to sustain their business.

      I don’t check my account any further but if what you said is true, I’m sorry to hear that.

      Yes, it’s not right or cool to do so. But, most of the time, these faucets get abused a lot, not just FaucetSpin.com and the owners didn’t know the best way to handle this situation. They could go bankrupt because of this like the past owner of BitsFree.net.

      I guess, that is the risk of using any online earning websites. This one chose to reset. It has been done before. The alternative would be abandoning the site completely without paying their users.

      So, maybe the best way is to keep looking for other faucets to use instead of investing our time one just one and regularly withdraw the earnings. We don’t really know what is going to happen to them.
      Hopefully, we can keep finding a new and better sites.

      Best regards.

      Mark M.

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